Top: Arts: Music: Bands_and_Artists: C: [ 0
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- C Note
- Caballé, Montserrat@
- Cabaret Voltaire
- Cadogan, Kevin
- Caedmon's Call@
- Caelum Bliss@
- Caffey, Charlotte
- Cage, Joel
- Cagle, Chris@
- Cake
- Cake Like
- Cale, J.J.
- Cale, John
- California Guitar Trio
- Call, The
- Calla
- Callas, Maria@
- Callaway, Ann Hampton
- Callen, Michael
- Calling, The
- Calloway, Cab@
- Camel
- Camouflage
- Camp, Jesse@
- Camp Kill Yourself@
- Camp, Steve@
- Campbell, Glen
- Campbell, Tevin
- Camper Van Beethoven
- Cam'ron
- Can
- Canadian Bush Party
- Candide
- Candlebox
- Candlemass
- Candy Butchers
- Candy Snatchers, The
- Cane 141
- Canibus
- Canned Heat
- Cannibal Corpse
- Cantrell, Blu
- Cantrell, Jerry
- Capercaillie
- Cappadonna@
- Captain and Tennille, The
- Captain Beefheart
- Caputo, Keith
- Cara, Irene
- Caravan@
- Carcass
- Cardiacs, The
- Cardigans, The
- Carey, Mariah
- Carey, Tony
- Carlisle, Belinda
- Carlisle, Bob@
- Carlos, Wendy
- Carlstrom, Emily
- Carlton, Vanessa
- Carman@
- Carmen, Eric
- Carmichael, Hoagy
- Carnes, Kim
- Carola
- Caroline's Spine
- Carpenter, Karen@
- Carpenter, Mary Chapin
- Carpenters, The
- Carr, Amy
- Carr, Eric@
- Carrack, Paul
- Carreras, Jose@
- Carrier, Chubby
- Carrier, Roy
- Cars, The
- Carson Downey Band, The
- Carson, Jeff@
- Cartel
- Carter, Aaron
- Carter, Anita@
- Carter, Betty@
- Carter, Deana@
- Carter Family@
- Carter, Leslie
- Carter, Nick@
- Carthy, Eliza
- Cartoons, The
- Caruso, Enrico@
- Casal, Neal
- Case, Neko
- Cash, Johnny@
- Cash, June Carter@
- Caspar and Mollüsk
- Cassar-Daley, Troy
- Cassidy, David@
- Cassidy, Eva
- Cassidy, Katie
- Cassidy, Shaun@
- Cassius
- Cast@
- Castillo, Iran@
- Castle, Chris
- Cat Power
- Catatonia
- Catch 22
- Catch, C.C.
- Cathcart, Carter
- Catherine Wheel
- Catheters, The
- Cattle Company, The
- Cause and Effect
- Cave, Nick
- Celtic Frost
- Celtic Legacy
- Celtus
- Cerbone, Lisa@
- Certain Ratio, A
- Cetera, Peter@
- Chad and Jeremy
- Chag, Niraj
- Chagall Guevara@
- Chambers, Kasey@
- Chan, Agnes@
- Chandra, Sheila
- Changelings, The
- Chantels, The
- Chapin, Harry
- Chapman, Beth Nielsen
- Chapman, Roger
- Chapman, Steven Curtis@
- Chapman, Tracy
- Charlatans, The@
- Charles, Ray
- Charles, Vince
- Chase, Bill@
- Chavis, Boozoo
- Chavis, Karan
- Chayanne
- Cheap Trick
- Checker, Chubby
- Chemical Brothers
- Chemlab
- Chenier, C.J.
- Chenier, Clifton
- Cher@
- Cherry, Don@
- Cherry, Eagle-Eye
- Cherry, Neneh
- Cherry Poppin' Daddies
- Chesney, Kenny@
- Chesnutt, Mark@
- Chesnutt, Vic
- Chevelle
- Chic
- Chicago
- Chicane
- Chicks on Speed
- Chieftains, The
- Child, Jane
- Children of Bodom@
- Children of Dub
- Childs, Toni
- Chilliwack
- China Crisis
- China Drum@
- Chino XL
- Chisato Moritaka@
- Chisholm, Melanie
- Chixdiggit
- Choclair@
- Choir, The@
- Chordettes, The
- Chow, Vivian@
- Chris and Cosey
- Christian, Charlie@
- Christian Death
- Christian, Frank
- Christians, The
- Christines, The
- Christmas
- Christodal, Jude
- Christy, June@
- Christy, Lauren
- Chuck D
- Chumbawamba
- Church, Charlotte
- Church, Claudia@
- Church, The
- Cibo Matto
- Ciccone, Madonna@
- Cinderella
- Cindy Lou@
- Cindytalk
- Cinerama
- Citizen Cope
- Citizen King
- City High
- Clam Abuse
- Clan of Xymox
- Clannad
- Clapton, Eric
- Clark, Dave@
- Clark Family Experience@
- Clark, Guy
- Clark, Petula
- Clark, Roy@
- Clark, Terri@
- Clarke, Stanley@
- Clarks, The
- Clash, The
- Clawfinger
- Clayderman, Richard
- Clayton-Felt, Josh
- Clegg, Johnny@
- Cleopatra
- Cleveland, James@
- Click Click
- Cliff, Jimmy@
- Cline, Patsy@
- Clinic
- Clinton, George@
- Clock DVA
- Clooney, Rosemary
- Cloudtalk
- Clutch
- Cümshotté@
- C-Murder
- Coadic, Colleen@
- Coal
- Coal Chamber
- Coasters, The
- Cobain, Kurt@
- Cobham, Billy@
- Cochran, Anne
- Cochran, Eddie
- Cochran, Hank@
- Cochran, Tammy@
- Cochrane, Tom
- Cockburn, Bruce
- Cocker, Jarvis@
- Cocteau Twins
- Code Red
- Coe, David Allan@
- Cohen, Adam
- Cohen, Leonard
- Cohn, Marc
- Coil
- Cold
- Cold Chisel
- Coldplay
- Cole, Holly
- Cole, Lloyd
- Cole, Nat King
- Cole, Natalie
- Cole, Paula
- Cole, Samantha
- Coleman, Ornette@
- Collective Soul
- Collins, Bootsy@
- Collins, Judy
- Collins, Phil
- Collusion Inc.
- Color it Red@
- Colorfinger
- Colosseum
- Colourbox
- Coltrane, John@
- Colvin, Shawn
- Combs, Sean
- Combustible Edison
- Comets, The@
- Coming Century
- Commitments, The@
- Common Tongue@
- Como, Perry
- Concordia@
- Concrete Blonde
- Confederate Railroad@
- Conley, Earl Thomas@
- Connelly, Chris
- Connick, Jr., Harry@
- Connors, Stompin' Tom
- Cook, Jesse
- Cook, Kyle@
- Cooke, Sam
- Coolio
- Cooper, Alice
- Cooper Temple Clause, The
- Cope, Julian
- Coptic Rain
- Corea, Chick@
- Cornell, Chris
- Cornershop@
- Corporate Avenger
- Corrosion of Conformity
- Corrs, The
- Coryell, Julian
- Costa, Nikka
- Costello, Elvis
- Cotton Mather
- Couch, Danny
- Cougar, John@
- Co.Uk
- Count Zero
- Counting Crows
- Coup, The@
- Court, Susan
- Cousin Fungus@
- Cousin Kevin
- Cousins, Tina
- Covenant@
- Coverdale, David
- Cowboy Junkies
- Cowboy Mouth
- Cowboy's Nightmare@
- Cowsills, The
- Cox, Angie
- Cox, Deborah
- Coxon, Graham@
- Cracker
- Cradle of Filth
- Cramer, Floyd@
- Cramps, The
- Cranberries
- Cranes
- Crash Test Dummies, The
- CrashPalace
- Crass@
- Craving Theo
- Crawford, Billy
- Cray, Robert@
- Crazy Town
- Cream
- Creed
- Creedence Clearwater Revival
- Creeper Lagoon
- Crenshaw, Marshall
- Crespo, Elvis
- Crickets, The@
- Crime and the City Solution
- Crimson Glory@
- Crimson Twins@
- Criss, Peter@
- Croce, Jim
- Crocketts, The
- Crosby, Bing@
- Crosby, David
- Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young
- Cross, Christopher@
- Cross, David
- Cross My Heart
- Crow, Sheryl
- Crowbar
- Crowded House@
- Crowell, Rodney
- Crucial Conflict@
- Cruel Sea, The
- Crumar, Phil
- Crushdown
- Cruxshadows, The@
- Cruz, Celia@
- Cruzados@
- Cryan' Shames, The
- Crystal Method
- CTI@
- Cub
- Cuccione, Michael@
- Cuddy, Jim
- Cult, The
- Cultivators, The
- Culture Club
- Cummings, Burton
- Cupcakes
- Cure, The
- Curfman, Shannon
- Current 93
- Curve@
- Cutting Crew@
- Cyclefly
- Cypress Hill
- Cyrus, Billy Ray@
This category in other languages: | | |
- C-14 - Dance/trance band from Calgary, Alberta. Biographies, pictures, MP3s and news. [Requires Flash 6.]
- C/4.6 - The official C/4.6 website includes news, biographies and pictures.
- C2 - MP3s, lyrics and chords from the Italian band.
- C and C Music Factory - At Rollingstone.com. Includes a biography, discography, photos, links and message board.
- C NOTE - MP3s and information on the Oklahoma-based hip hop artist.
- Caater - Techno/trance duo from Estonia. News, biography and discography.
- Caboose - Pictures, biography, show dates and sound files of the McHenry area punk rock band.
- Caboto - Italian art rock band; offers history, news, concert dates, images and sounds. [Italian and English.]
- Cabral, Amandio - Music of the Cape Verdean composer performed by Larry Dunlap, with RealAudio samples.
- Cactus Pears - Music samples, biography, pictures, and schedule for the Athens, Ohio group.
- Cactus World News - Features news, discography, mail list, album graphics, and old promotional materials for the Irish band.
- Cadavers, The - Noisy Long Island-based rock band that dabbles in punk and industrial sounds. Sound sample, gigs and merchandise.
- Caddy Wampuss - Biography, gallery, fan club and contact information.
- Cadillac Cowboys, The - Dallas/Fort Worth country and western band; includes member profiles, upcoming show information, and song list.
- Cadillac Jones - Music, biographies, and events from the heavy funk Atlanta band.
- Caesar - Dutch guitar pop band's site contains interviews, pictures, MP3s, and news. [English, Dutch and German.]
- Caesar, Shirley - At Rollingstone.com. Includes a biography, discography, photos, links and message board.
- Café Jam - A Brazilian jazz group. Their site includes a band history, member profiles, a discography, photos, and links.
- Cafe Accordion Orchestra - Minneapolis-based band performing an mix of French Musette, vintage swing, Latin and European folk music styles. Includes MP3s, discography, show dates, reviews, biography and pictures.
- Cafe Orchestra - Performance information, biographies and history from the contemporary Irish ensemble.
- Caffeine Kid - Utah punk rock band with a slice of emo. Pictures, profiles, show dates, and merchandise.
- Cage - Art-pop/rock band based in Dayton, Ohio. Biography, discography and album reviews.
- Cage, Bobby - Includes biography, CD information, news and photographs for the country singer-songwriter.
- Cagno, Laurie - Profile and sound files for the pop/rock vocalist.
- Cahonies, The - Three-piece blues/R&B band from the U.K. News, profiles, gigs, and photographs.
- Cahoots, The - Member profiles, show dates and a history of Cajun music from the Australian band.
- Cain, Chris - San Francisco Bay-based blues guitarist and vocalist. History, tour dates, discography, articles, chat and interview.
- Caina - Three-piece nu-metal band from London, England. News, biographies, lyrics, pictures, sound samples and forum. [Requires Flash.]
- Cakaw - News, shows, pictures and sound clips.
- Cal - New Age composer from New York; includes biography, shows, sound samples and album information.
- Calabrese, Joanne - Profiles, sound samples and contact information from the singer-songwriter.
- Calafuria - MP3s, picture and tour dates for the melancholic noise rock band from Aachen, Germany.
- Calamités, Les - Fan site about the '80s French female rock band includes history, frequently asked questions, discography, lyrics and press.
- Calatayud, Roma - Composer, songwriter, and musician from Minneapolis. Site includes biography, music samples, and reviews.
- Calden - Biography, music clips and pictures of the singer whose career started in Europe.
- Caldwell, Toy - Tribute to the songwriter, singer, lead guitarist, and founding member of The Marshall Tucker Band. Features biography, fan stories, pictures, discography and jukebox.
- Calendar Girl - Official site of the Boston-based post-punk power pop band includes biography, news, shows, sound clips, pictures and press.
- Calexico - At Rollingstone.com. Includes a biography, discography, photos, and message board.
- Calgary Boys Choir, The - History, performance schedule, booking and membership information for the Canadian group.
- Calhoun, Andrew - Comprehensive index of links related to this Illinois singer-songwriter and founder of Waterbug Records.
- Califaxon - Northern California-based Latin jazz ensemble; includes performance dates, member profiles and merchandise.
- California Girls, The - An all girl band singing their own brand of surf, beach and contemporary music. Features biographies, photographs, song list, recent events, endorsements, cartoons, contact and booking information.
- Calimero - Melodic indie pop/rock band from the U.K. Biography, band member profiles, MP3s, gigs, reviews and pictures.
- Calire, Jimmy - Piano player for the blues/jazz band Raven and the rock band America. Includes biography and contact information.
- Call Me Alice - San Diego-based theme band. Includes biography, appearances, discography, fan club and news.
- Call Me Daddy - Rock band based in Knoxville, Tennessee. Biographies, images, audio clips, lyrics and show dates.
- Call of the West - Music of the American West, from the golden age of Western movies to originals. Sound samples, pictures, profiles and contact information.
- Callier, Terry - Biography, picture, audio clips and discography for the guitarist and singer-songwriter.
- Calling, The - Contemporary Christian vocal duo based in Elmira, New York. Includes biography, song information and sound clips, show dates and news.
- Calliope - History, MP3 music files and contact information for the Italian progressive rock band.
- Callow - Pop/rock band from Baltimore, Maryland. News, shows, MP3s, pictures and lyrics.
- Calvert, Steve - Original guitar blues/rock singer. Offers album information and Real Audio.
- Calvin - A pop/rock band from Edinburgh, Scotland. Site includes a band profile, gig dates, a song list, photos, and contact information.
- Calvin Krime - At Rollingstone.com. Includes a biography, discography, photos, articles, links and message board.
- Camacho, Jim - Miami singer-songwriter. Press, profile, calendar, audio, news and pictures.
- Camarosmith - Pictures, news and message board from the Seattle band.
- Camarosmith - Indie/screemo band from Lawrence, Kansas. Includes pictures and show dates.
- Camdens, The - Melodic pop/rock/alt band from Minneapolis/St. Paul. News, biography, schedule, pictures and MP3s.
- Camen, Patricia - Pop, soul and R&B singer from Switzerland. Includes news, sound samples, lyrics and image gallery. [Requires Flash.]
- Cameo - At Rollingstone.com. Includes a biography, discography, video, links and message board.
- CameraObscura - A sonic punk band from Phoenix, Arizona. Includes photos, tour dates, and MP3 downloads.
- Camp Lo - At Rollingstone.com. Includes a biography, discography and message board.
- Campbell, Ali - At Rollingstone.com. Includes a biography, discography, links and message board.
- Campbell, Brent - Sound samples and information on the rock/New Age solo artist. At MP3.com.
- Campbell, Carey - Album information and biography for the Portland-based jazz vocalist.
- Campbell, Eddie - Official site for the New Jersey singer-songwriter includes gigs, MP3s and information on the cover band Thymes 2.
- Campbell, Ellie - News and information about the U.K. pop artist.
- Campbell, John - Tribute to the late bluesman with interview, biography and album covers.
- Campbell, Jonathon - Biography, MP3 files, photographs and show schedule for the Los Angeles singer-songwriter.
- Campbell, Kate - Biography, concert dates, reviews, news and album information from the Nashville folk singer.
- Campbell, Scott - Samples, lyrics, photos, news.
- Campbell, Tom - Pop singer-songwriter. News, lyrics, audio samples, biography, press, discography and pictures.
- Campese, Mike - Official site of the guitarist. Includes a biography, tour dates, MP3 samples and pictures.
- Campground Effect - Indie rock band from Fountain Valley, California. Includes news and information, pictures, shows, and sounds.
- Campi, Ray - Official site for the rockabilly musician includes biography, album information, show dates, pictures and audio clips.
- Camplin, Bill - Index of links related to the singer-songwriter and owner of the Cafe Carpe folk venue in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin.
- Campos, Al - Singer-songwriter and international Latin recording artist. Includes a biography and contact information.
- Camui, Gackt - Profile, pictures, discograph, MP3 downlaods, and interviews.
- Cancer Merchants - Chicago pop-punk band. Includes show dates, biography, pictures and lyrics.
- Cancer to the Stars - Boston-based sonic ambient punk power dub jungle rock band. Includes biography, news, MP3s, lyrics and pictures.
- Cancerhead - Biography, discography and MP3s from the Hamilton, Ontario band.
- Candiria - Biography, news, tour dates, video and audio clips, pictures, press and forum from the Brooklyn-based metal/hardcore band. [Requires Flash.]
- Candy Channel - Information, humour, RealAudio music clips and lyrics from the British indie band.
- Candy Darlings, The - Rock band from New York City. Includes photos, shows and press coverage.
- Candy-Ass Pansy Bitches, The - Death-metal band from North Carolina. Pictures, lyrics, show dates, and biography.
- Candyheads - Biographies, gigs, sound clips and pictures from the U.K. band.
- Candyland Riots! - News, shows, pictures and MP3s from the California band.
- Candystore - Biography, show dates, news, merchandise, photographs, lyrics and sound samples from the Minnesota rock band.
- Canning, Barry - Newfoundland-based singer/songwriter/producer. Biography, news, schedule, reviews, album information and song samples.
- Canopy - Biography, audio, discography and photographs for the electronic group.
- Canopy - Christian band from Houston; includes biography and contact information.
- Can't Hang - Reggae/ska/rock band from Baltimore, Maryland.
- Cape - Rock/indie band from London, England. Features information, news, show dates, and links.
- Capewell, Peter - Biography, lyrics and MP3s from the London pop/rock artist.
- Capharnaüm, The - Electronic artist from France. Provides a brief profile and audio downloads.
- Capital - From Columbia, South Carolina. Includes schedule, photos and member profiles.
- Capital A - Hard rock band from Savannah, Georgia. News, pictures, sound samples, lyrics, fan club, gigs, booking information and forums.
- Capital City - Official site of the rootsy Boston pop band features news, profile, press, images and shows.
- Capital City Ringers - Community handbell ensemble from Lansing, Michigan. Includes concert dates, recording information, profiles, photographs and links.
- Capitalist Music - Words, sounds and images about the '80s alternative rock band from Norwich, England.
- Capitan Sunshine - MP3s and information on the Whittier, California neo-hippie group.
- Capitol K - Official site includes news, discography and show dates. [Requires Flash.]
- Caplan, Linda "Kakõ" - Koto master from Canada. Credentials, information about the instrument and its music.
- Capoeira Twins - News, member profiles, wallpaper and screen saver and sound samples from the British hip hop duo. [Requires Flash.]
- Caprani, Klaus - Danish bass player. Biography, discography, audio clips, equipment, and links.
- Captain Blood - Four-piece rock band based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Reviews, message board and link to MP3s.
- Captain Mike and the Rhythm Runners - Cincinnati band covering blues, pop, classic rock, country, reggae, oldies and Jimmy Buffett tunes. Includes gigs, profiles, song list, pictures and sound clips.
- Captain Smokebomb - Ska band from Kansas City, Missouri. Includes biographies, show dates, news, MP3s and contact information.
- Captain Zig - Eastern Pennsylvania jam band. Includes pictures, show dates and biographies.
- Captive Audience - Techno/dance group from the United States. News, biography, pictures, MP3s, reviews and interviews.
- Capture the Flag - Hardcore/punk band from Rhode Island. Shows, pictures, news, lyrics and contact information.
- Captured! By Robots - Sound and video samples, pictures, tour information, press, fan club and member profiles.
- Capuccino - Introduction to this Parisian dance music artist with sound samples.
- Capulet - Biography, sound samples and pictures from the alternative/experimental rock band from Cirencester, U.K.
- Caputo, Sergio - Italian jazz/swing singer and songwriter based in California. Biography, discography, photographs, lyrics and audio samples.
- Car Stereo Wars - Independent pop/rock band based in Melbourne, Australia. Includes news, MP3s, photos, press, and contact information.
- Carbon 12 - News, biographies, pictures, sound clips, tour information and lyrics from the San Antonio band.
- Carbon 14 - Alternative rock band from the U.K. Includes news, upcoming show dates, photo gallery, audio samples and lyrics. [Requires Flash.]
- Carbon 4 - London-based rock band; includes biography, gigs, MP3s and pictures.
- Carbon 9 - Los Angeles-based rock band; features downloadable MP3 and Real Audio songs, tour dates, merchandise, photos and lyrics.
- Carbon Boy - Biography and link to MP3s by the electronic artist.
- Carbon H - Rock band with female vocals. News, biography, discography, concerts, audio samples and pictures. [Requires Flash; English and Portuguese.]
- Carder, Carl Christopher - The singer-songwriter talks to TheCelebrityCafe.com.
- Cardier, Glenn - Official site of the Australian singer-songwriter and guitarist with gigs, tours and CD information.
- Cardiff by Riksgransen - Straight edge hardcore skate-punk band (with a touch of pop) from Hacienda Heights, California. Upcoming shows, discography, pictures, history and band member profiles
- Cardoso, Teco - Reed player from Brazil.
- Carefree - Emo/punk band from Luxembourg. News, biography, songs, lyrics, pictures and tour dates.
- Carere, George - Atlanta area musician leads ensembles performing a broad repertoire of music styles, from rock n' roll to big band swing.
- Caretaker - MP3s and information on the band.
- Carewe, Mary - U.K. singer's site includes biography, pictures, album information and concert dates.
- Carey, Paul - Lead singer of garage punk bands the Untold Fables and the Witch Doctors. Includes profile and pictures.
- Cargo - Official site of the house music band includes member profiles, news, discography and contact information. [Requires Flash.]
- Cariati, Pino - Lyrics and sound files from the Italian singer.
- Carl - Biography, discography, news and pictures from the Australian band formerly named 2INS.
- Carlile, Brandi - Fan site for the Seattle singer includes gigs, biography, lyrics, news and pictures.
- Carlis Star - News, pictures, MP3s and history of the Manchester, England band.
- Carlson, Katrina - Alternative singer-songwriter based in Los Angeles. Biography, journal, album information, gigs, press and pictures.
- Carlson, Margaret - Chicago-based jazz/pop vocalist; includes biography, sound samples, reviews and album information.
- Carlucci, Sandra - News, biography, contact information, appearance schedule, audio clips and images from the New York singer-songwriter.
- Carmack, Naomi - Official site for the Canadian singer-songwriter includes biography, lyrics, sound files and photographs.
- Carmichael, Kris - Bagpiper, poet, and singer-songwriter from Jackson, Mississippi. Biography and pictures.
- Carnage Core - Manchester, New Hampshire band mixing metal, rap, punk, and hardcore. Biographies, frequently asked questions, gigs, pictures and lyric explanations.
- Carnations, The - Contains news, upcoming shows, and pictures from the Toronto band.
- Carns, Tommy - Information, lyrics, downloads and tour dates from the folk singer.
- Carol, Brenda - Contemporary jazz and progressive vocalist from Canada. Audio clips, photographs, CDs, tour, reviews, and information on vocal lessons.
- Carpe Diem Project - Pictures, MP3s and equipment list.
- Carper, Ed - Central Illinois-based singer; includes biography, discography, pictures, album information, news and MP3 samples.
- Carr, Amy - Biography, news, sound and video clips, lyrics and show information.
- Carr, Cletis - Nashville singer-songwriter's site includes biography, sound clips and pictures.
- Carr, Mike - Biography, discography, photographs, press and contact information for the U.K.-based jazz organist.
- Carr, T.C. and the Catch - Profile, show dates, reviews, and sound files for the Tampa Bay-based blues and roots-rock band.
- Carr, Vikki - Includes schedule, biography, photographs, discography and timeline for the '60s singer.
- Carrillo, John - Singer-songwriter based in Orange County, California. Includes gigs, MP3s, news, pictures, biography and message board.
- Carrion, The - MP3s and biography for the metal band based in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- Carroll, Barbara - Bop pianist. Biography and discography.
- Carswell and Zane - Blues band based in Seattle. Calendar, reviews and pictures.
- Carter, Deborah J. - Biography, discography, pictures, press, news and downloadable music from the Amsterdam-based jazz vocalist.
- Carter, Larry - Improvisational pianist and Celtic musician from Lawrence, Kansas. Pictures, discography and timeline.
- Carter, Luke - Biography, MP3s and information on the Georgia artist.
- Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine - News, discography, gig list, history, pictures, lyrics, chords and frequently asked questions from the '90s U.K. indie band.
- Carter, Torrey - R&B vocalist; features album information, biography, discography, pictures, bulletin board, sound and video clips.
- Carthage - MP3 files from the English band.
- Cartoon Violence - Biography, lyrics and MP3s from the South Carolina funk-thrash band.
- Cartwright, Joan - Jazz singer, composer, educator and producer. Includes biography and lyrics.
- Caruso, Dave - Streaming audio and video, lyrics, albums and singles, photographs, and tour dates.
- Caruso, Jim - Reviews, articles, biography and scrapbook for the musical theater performer.
- Carvelli, Billy - California singer. Biography, news, pictures, and links.
- Cary, Caitlin - News, shows, discography, MP3s, pictures and biography for the singer-songwriter and former Whiskeytown member.
- Casanova and the Wolf Pac - News and biographies from the rap group.
- Casella, Matthew J. - Biography, MP3s, news, pictures and articles from the New Jersey-based hard rock artist.
- Casey Dagans, The - Power pop/punk band from northern Wisconsin. Biography, album art, lyrics, news and discography.
- Casey, Paddy - News, biography, discography, gigs and message board for the Dublin-based singer-songwriter.
- Cash Money Medusa - Boston-based band. Biographies, influences, pictures, news, lyrics, history and shows.
- Cash Monies and The Jetsetter - Country rock band from Boston. Includes photographs, press, show dates and link to MP3s.
- Cash, Montana - Country singer based in Las Vegas. Biography, pictures and RealAudio samples.
- Cash, Tommy - Biography and booking information for the country singer and brother of Johnny Cash.
- Cashen, Ralph - Country singer-songwriter from Ontario. Album information, sound samples, pictures, appearance schedule and biography.
- Cashmere - Maylasian band with British influences. Includes news, biographies, discography, reviews and pictures.
- Casino - News, gigs and MP3s from the UK band.
- Casino Royale - Hip hop-flavored live and improvisational jazz act from Minneapolis. Biography, sound samples, picture, performance schedule and mailing list.
- Cason, Shirley - Biography, music philosophy, sound samples and reviews from the New Age keyboardist.
- Caspar, Nicolas - News, MP3s, lyrics and pictures for the German artist. [English and German.]
- Cassidy, Ed "Cass" - Fan site for the Spirit drummer includes news, pictures and biography.
- Cast Iron Filter - Alternative country band. News, pictures, lyrics, sound samples, gigs and press.
- Cast of Leagues - Pictures, MP3 samples, news, and history for the band.
- Casted Grey - Rock band from Webster, Wisconsin. Events, biographies, lyrics, MP3s, mailing list, history, pictures and frequently asked questions.
- Castel - MP3s and information on the ambient/IDM band from Melbourne, Australia.
- Castigate - Extreme brutal death band from New York City. Sound clips, pictures, shows and mailing list.
- Castle, Jeremy - Blanchard, Oklahoma-based traditional country music recording artist and songwriter. Features biography, pictures and list of recordings.
- Castleberry, Sandii - Bluegrass, acoustic, country and blues artist based in Orange County, California. Performance schedule, biography and ensemble descriptions.
- Castleman, Donnie - Nashville-based bassist and vocalist. Includes biography, mission statement and pictures.
- Castles in Spain - Female-fronted San Francisco trio. News, tour dates, downloadable songs and photographs.
- Castro, Christian - Fan page for the Latin vocalist includes biography, news, list of recordings and schedule. [Requires Flash.]
- Casual-T - Resume, discography, pictures and sound clips from the groove-oriented drummer.
- Casualty Park - Electro-pop band's site includes news, reviews, interviews, pictures and MP3 samples.
- Cat Toast Engine - Tour dates, pictures and history.
- Catacoustics - Celtic/folk rock band. Includes news, gig dates and links.
- Catacoustics - A UK acoustic guitar based grooves band. Site includes a gig schedule, biography, and RealAudio files.
- Catalani, Cat - Sound samples, gigs, pictures, articles, biography and discography for the Chicago-area folk singer.
- Catamenia - Finnish black metal band's site includes biography, discography, lyrics, pictures, sound samples, tour dates and forum.
- Catastrophic - Hardcore metal band. Provides a biography, news, and merchandise.
- Catch 22 - UK pop act aimed at the teen market. Includes biography, reviews, lyrics and MP3.
- Catch Penny - New Zealand-based lounge/dub band. News, pictures, sound clips and biography.
- Catchers - Official site containing news, reviews, discography and links.
- Catching Red - Wilmington, North Carolina acoustic pop-rock band. Includes a biography, news, and tour information.
- Caterbone, Lisa - Music downloads, shows and biography for the singer-songwriter.
- CaterPillars of the Community - Biographies, MP3s, CDs, performance dates, and events for this Georgia-based acoustic jam band.
- Catfish Jam - Album information and sound samples from the Christian band.
- Catharsis - Christian grindcore band based in central Florida. Biographies, shows, MP3s, pictures and lyrics.
- Catherall, Daniel - Welsh singer-songwriter; includes profile, link to sound samples and pictures.
- Catholic Girls, The - All-female pop/rock band. Biography, news, tour dates and discography.
- Catley, Bob and Magnum - Tour dates, photographs and news.
- Cats Like Angels - Five-piece pop/rock band from Connecticut. Biographies, press, schedule and pictures.
- Cats!, The - Biographies, album information, RealAudio samples and lyrics from the California band.
- Caucasian - Includes information about the band and its members.
- Caucasian Male - Glasgow-based band influenced by '60s pop music and '70s rock. News, sound samples, album information and gigs.
- Cavalier Consort - Virginia-based ensemble specializing in Renaissance and Baroque music. Includes biography, performance schedule and contact information.
- Cavallaro, Maye - Jazz/cabaret singer; includes sound samples, biography, calendar, reviews and information.
- Cave - Indie rock band based in the southeast of England. Gig guide, news, pictures, history and sound samples.
- Caviar - Island Records' site for the band includes news, lyrics, tour dates, tour journal, and sound samples. [Requires Flash.]
- Cavin, Paul - California-based singer, songwriter, and producer of pop, easy listening, and holiday music. News, pictures, discography and information on the artist's duplication and DJ services.
- Cavity - Official site of the Miami-based band: news, discography and tour dates.
- C-Bo - At Rollingstone.com. Includes a biography, discography, photos, video, links and message board.
- CC & Dove - MP3s and information from the Florida female R&B duo.
- C-D-S - MP3 downloads, streaming music and information on the band.
- Ceberano, Kate - News, photographs, videos, and sound samples from the Australian singer.
- Cecil Park - Modern pop/rock project from singer-songwriter Mark Cantanzriti. Includes biography, pictures and sound samples.
- Cecilia - Norwegian classical singer's site includes news, biography, pictures and discography with sound samples.
- C.E.D. - Electronic/trance artist from Belgium. Features MP3s and information.
- Cedar - Official site of Leeds-based drum 'n' bass producer Jon Schorah includes gigs, biography, discography, sound samples and equipment list. [Requires Flash.]
- Ceili House Band - Traditional Irish music group based in Redlands, California; includes sheet music, pictures and sound samples.
- CeLange - New York City blues/rock band. Includes quotes, gigs, news and lyrics.
- Celebrity Car Crash - Biography, recording information and MP3s from the duo based in Peterborough, England.
- CeLeste - Sound clips, pictures, biography, press and club dates for the Florida-based singer.
- Celestial Magenta - All-female pop rock band from Vancouver. Includes biography, sound samples, pictures, reviews and flyers.
- Celia - Swedish duo playing modern pop inspired by drum and bass. Includes general information, mailing list, gigs, pictures and articles.
- Celibate Rifles, The - Sydney, Australia based band. Contains history, discography, list of past and present members, merchandise, reviews, audio samples and a message board.
- Cell Block 9 - Metal band from Addison, Michigan; includes biography, discography, lyrics, fan art, news and reviews.
- Cellophane - Lyrics, sound samples and links.
- Celluloid Mata - News, discography, images and MP3s from the dark electro group.
- Celluloide - French synthpop band; includes biography, discography, sound clips, lyrics and pictures.
- Celt, Jan - Biographical and professional information about the Oregon blues artist.
- Celtae - Celtic band based in Ottawa, Canada. News, discography, biography, gigs, pictures, audio and video clips.
- Celtic Bones - Three-piece punk 'n' roll outfit from the U.K. Biography, news, gigs, pictures and MP3s.
- Celtic Elvis - Satirical folk theater band based in California. Biography, pictures, tour information, RealAudio clips and lyrics.
- Celtic Horizon - Folk duo performing Scottish and Irish music. Includes history, repertoire, gig guide and pictures.
- CelticSons - Home of the techno project. Latest releases, RealAudio streams and links.
- Cemetery of Scream - Polish gothic-metal band; includes news, biography, photographs and contact information. [English and Polish.]
- Center of Five, The - News, images and show dates for the San Diego-based band.
- Central Artery Project, The - Boston-based all-original jazz band. Includes news, schedule, and information.
- Central Heat - Rhythm and blues band with funk elements. Includes photos, sounds and booking information.
- Centrozoon - Electronic improvisational group based in Germany. Includes news, member profiles and MP3s.
- Cenzontles, Los - Pictures of the young musicians, singers and dancers.
- Cephas - Christian punk rock band from the U.K. Includes pictures, gigs, message board, MP3s, biographies and news.
- Cerberus - U.K.-based metal band. Biography, events, news, pictures and song descriptions.
- Cerberus - Hard rock band from Idaho. Includes lyrics, photographs, and links.
- Cerebral Suppression - Official homepage of the dark metal project with MP3, discography, and links.
- Cerebral Whore - Local hardcore band from Mohnton, Pennsylvania. News, pictures, tour information, MP3s, biography and lyrics.
- Cerick, Dana - Power pop singer-songwriter based in Nashville. Includes shows, pictures and MP3s.
- Cerisano, Joe - Vocalist who has performed with everyone from Bo Diddly to Korn. Includes biography, sound samples and pictures.
- Cerrito - Traditional country music artist; includes sound samples, biography, pictures, news, and contact information.
- Certain Frank, A - Electronic dance and lounge ensemble. Sound samples and album information.
- Cerulean - Indie-rock band from Los Angeles; includes news, biography, press, pictures, show dates, discography and MP3s.
- Cesjacuzzi - Discography, video, fan club, images, concerts and news for the metal band.
- Cesto - Site for the Rochester, Minnesota band features pictures, member profiles, trivia, song list, and a link to MP3 samples.
- Chacin, Rosa Virginia - Venezuelan romantic music singer. Information about her music, career, and upcoming presentations. [English and Spanish.]
- Chad - Official homepage for the Vermont band includes tour information, news and music samples.
- Chadbourne, Eugene - News, tour dates, discography, history and streaming audio from the avant jazz/rock/punk/folk artist.
- Chain - Dutch heavy metal band; includes member profiles, gigs, song lists, biography and audio clips. [English and Dutch; requires Flash.]
- Chain Gang, The - Album information, show dates and member profiles for the Liverpool band.
- Chain Link Faith - Pictures, events calendar, music downloads and album information.
- Chamber 36 - Austin-based progressive rock group; features schedule, set list, pictures and member profiles.
- Chamber Strings, The - Chicago-based orchestral pop quintet; features audio, video, picture galleries, tour dates and news, press and discography. [Requires Flash.]
- Chambers, Guy - Music downloads, score and official lyrics from the U.K. songwriter, musician and producer.
- Chameleon - Groove jazz funk and blues group. Site contains audio clips, photos, and band information.
- Chameleon Jones - Band profiles, news and downloadable tracks.
- Champlion, Melissa - Christian artist; features information and lyrics.
- Chanas, Seth - MP3s and information from the Scottish singer-songwriter.
- Chandra and David - Traditional Indian music duo based in Houston, Texas. Provides a brief profile and audio downloads.
- Changelings, The - Ambient pop-fusion group from Atlanta, Georgia. Includes profile, pictures, MP3s and press.
- Changing Frames - "Wussy rock" band from Edinboro, Pennsylvania. News, lyrics, MP3s, pictures and biographies.
- Channel - Electronic band from Anaheim, California. Sound samples, gigs, pictures, message board, reviews, news and biography.[Requires Flash.]
- Channel Three - Official site of the '80s punk band. [Requires Flash.]
- Chantilly Lace - Family band of brothers and cousins; includes biography, discography and streaming audio.
- Chaos and Vegas - The rock and pop music of British singer-songwriter Gary Hopkins. News, gigs, sound files and photographs.
- Chaos Theory - Metal band from Trenton, New Jersey. History, band member profiles, contact information and links to MP3s.
- Chaos Twin - MP3s, news, message board, pictures, news and booking information.
- Chaos Waiting - Mainstream and heavy-blues rock band from Danville, Kentucky. News, biographies, lyrics, show dates and album information.
- Chaotic Embolism - Death metal band from Owosso, Michigan. News, appearances, biographies, pictures and MP3s.
- Chaotic Opera - Gothic metal band from western North Carolina. Site features lyrics and photographs of the band.
- Chaotic Past - New York City based rock band. MP3s and RealAudio files, tour dates, and photographs.
- Chapman, Gary - Christian singer-songwriter's site includes news, sound samples, pictures, biography, discography and frequently asked questions.
- Chapter 11 - Official web site for the Central Indiana band includes pictures, member profiles, sound clips and gigs.
- Chapter 11 - Hip hop group based in Long Beach, California. Features upcoming shows, biography, pictures, message board and MP3.
- Chapter 23 - Canadian rock band; includes music, facts and streaming RealAudio clips.
- Chargers Street Gang - Photographs, tour information, discography and audio samples from the Cleveland-based rock outfit. [Requires Flash.]
- Charging Hoses - MP3s and information about the five-piece Chicago funk band.
- Charivari Agréable - British period-instrument ensemble. Provides member biographies, photographs, and reviews.
- Charles, Michael - Australian blues/rock singer-songwriter; includes MP3s, biography, discography, current projects, related works and tour dates.
- Charley - North London band; features member biographies, sound files, lyrics and gig dates.
- Charlie and The Bhoys - Gig guide, lyrics and quiz for the Celtic band.
- Charlotte's Garden - Information and MP3s from the acoustic pop/rock band from Manchester, England.
- Charlton, Verna - Biography, discography and newsletter for the Canadian country singer-songwriter.
- Charm City Sound - Biographies, sound clips, and tour schedule for the Baltimore polka band.
- Charmer - Features news, biographical information, photographs, and upcoming shows.
- Charming - Home of the British influenced pop band based in New York, including photos and MP3s.
- Charnofsky, Jordan - Biography, gigs and MP3s from the California classical guitarist.
- Charoni, Alex - Biography, sound samples, album information, lyrics and gigs for the Seattle-based saxophonist.
- Chasar - Information resource for cult-interest New Wave of British heavy metal band includes pictures, press archive, and CD reissue details.
- Chase, Bill - Memorial page for the trumpet player includes biography and sound clips.
- Chasin' Elwood - Gigs, biographies, pictures and message board for the Dallas-based band.
- Chaski - Latin American folk trio based in Austin; site features concert schedule, mailing list, biography, pictures, reviews and album information.
- Chasm - Sound samples, pictures, biography, song subtitles, news, and show dates from the ethnic fusion group.
- Chatterbox - San Francisco Bay-based pop/rock band. News, biography, sound samples, gigs and pictures.
- Chau Hoi Mei, Kathy - Offers interviews, music and a biography.
- Chau, Loan - Female singer from Westminster, California. Includes photos, articles, downloads and show dates.
- Chauncey, Elizabeth - New Jersey soul/jazz/country/gospel singer. Performance schedule, profiles, news, pictures, audio and video clips.
- Chaya - Biography and sound samples from the Swedish singer.
- Cheap Thrill - Biography and pictures of the Dutch band.
- Cheaterpint - Rock band from Boston, Massachusetts; includes history, news, sound samples and pictures.
- Ched - Newfoundland heavy pop-rock group. Biography, discography, and photos.
- Cheese Factory - Profile, MP3s, news, gig dates and pictures from the English band.
- Cheez-Ettes, The - Weblog, history, pictures and member profiles.
- Chelsea in Orbit - MP3s and information on the Philadelphia-based alternative band.
- Chemical Bride - Official site of the New York City hardcore band, with pictures, MP3 audio and show dates.
- Chemosphere - MP3s and information on the electronic hip-hop outfit from Quebec.
- Chemystry Set - San Francisco band mixing funk, jazz, rock, folk, Zairian rhumba, Kraut-rock and Latin rhythms. Includes show dates, biographies, sound files and reviews.
- Cheney, Aaron - Songwriter, producer and guitarist based in Seattle, Washington. Includes a biography, audio samples, lyrics, and articles.
- Chequered Past - Hard rock quartet based in Marin County, California. News, biography, and lyrics.
- Cherry Pickers - Easy listening new country/rock/pop band based in Lancashire, England. Includes member profiles, MP3 samples and news.
- Cherry Soda - Biography, show dates, lyrics, music clips, news and photographs from the Los Angeles band.
- Cheshire, Kim - Biography, news, lyrics, sound clips, pictures and press from the Australian singer-songwriter.
- Chet Ripley - Emo/pop/punk/grunge band from Suffield, Connecticut. Includes news, tour dates, biography, equipment list and pictures.
- Chevan, David - Jewish jazz bassist and jazz historian. Includes information and upcoming events.
- Chew, Ben - Pennsylvania multi-instrumentalist and composer blending jazz, rock, New Age and world music. Album information, sound samples and contact information.
- Chez Jay - An acoustic group featuring an Irish singer-songwriter and a French harmonica player. Site includes biographies, concert dates, and song clips.
- Chiaravalle, Bernie - Nashville-based singer-songwriter. News, biography, tour dates, lyrics, discography, pictures and sound samples.
- Chicago Didjeridu Chorus - Tribal instrument ensemble. Member biographies, Real Audio samples, pictures, and links.
- Chicago Metropolitan Jazz Orchestra - Twenty-piece big band performing the original arrangements of the Stan Kenton Orchestra. History, gigs, sound samples and a biography of director Lenny King.
- Chicheportiche, Francis - Biography, album information and sound samples from the Parisian composer and songwriter.
- Chickasaw Mudd Puppies - Fan page for the '90s alternative rock group from Athens, Georgia includes articles, profile, discography, collecting informations, lyrics, and photographs.
- Chicken Noodle Hammer - Original rock band from Northern Virginia; site includes gig dates, biography, MP3s and mailing list.
- Chicken Wire Gang - Album information, press, tour dates and news from the North Carolina band.
- Chicks Hate Us - Official site for the punk band includes lyrics and tablature.
- Chickwagon - Includes progress reports, journals, appearance schedule and links.
- Chicky - Melodic rock band from Philadelphia; includes biographies, shows, news and album information.
- Chief of Splendor - Official site offers MP3 downloads and related links.
- Chigger Jig - Biographies and pictures from the acoustic string band from Arkansas.
- Chikinki - Pictures, sound samples, discography and gigs for the Bristol-based band.
- Childish, Billy - Full discographies of all of Childish's bands, such as Headcoats, Headcoatees, Mighty Caesars, Milkshakes, Pop Rivets, Del Monas, Holly Golightly and The Buff Medways. Also includes photos and interviews.
- Children of a Lesser God - Official site for the New York based rock band with MP3s, biography and show dates.
- Children of Bodom - Finnish black metal band; includes news, biographies, pictures, discography, videos and reviews.
- Children of Chucky - Phillippines nu-metal band influenced by Mudvayne, Slipknot, Soulfly and Deftones. Biography, lyrics, pictures, art and message board.
- Chiller Twist - Melodic techno performer; contains complete discography with free MP3 previews, downloads and reviews.
- Chillin' with Marcello - Independent band from Windsor, Canada, playing everything from folk to funk. With background, biographies, lyrics, pictures, and links.
- Chills, The - News, forum, biography, discography and articles from the New Zealand band.
- Chilly Willy - News, biography, gigs and contact information for the Belgian blues band. [Requires Flash.]
- Chime - Ethereal alternative band from Anna Maria, Florida; biography, show dates, photographs, MP3 samples, and links.
- Chimera - Official site for the metal band contains news, pictures, music, lyrics, and member profiles.
- Chimp - Brighton based band. News, MP3s, pictures and gigs.
- China Doll - Melodic rock band based in Nottingham, England. Profiles, history, mailing list, gigs and pictures.
- Chinadoll - News, MP3s and general information on the Michigan techno artist.
- Chinese Cowboy, The - WAV files, facts and pictures for the Rowan County, North Carolina band.
- Chinese Japs, The - Twin brothers, Chin Chin Chin and Wang Chin express with music their extreme dislike of America. From MP3.com.
- Chi-Oz - Lyrics, MP3s, band member profiles, pictures and equipment list.
- Chipset Zero - Biography, audio and video clips, tour information, pictures, lyrics and contact information for the Brazilian band. [English and Portuguese.]
- Chlorophyll - Official site for the modern rock band includes events, sound samples and biography.
- Chmykov, Alexander - Ukrainian accordionist who plays the bayan and composes for the cinema.
- Chocolate - History, MP3s, shows, images and lyrics from the California band.
- Chocolate Genius - News, tour dates, biography, audio and video streams, diary and videos for the pop/soul artist.
- Choder, Mick - Philadelphia area musician whose music has been described as funky folk/rock. Includes biography, music clips, and concert dates.
- Chokebore - Fan site for the Hawaiian band; with articles, photographs, sounds, videos, and guitar tablatures.
- Chokmah - Official site of the Scottish band includes news, sound samples, pictures, gigs, lyrics and biography.
- Chomsky - Dallas-based pop band's site includes news, MP3s, biography, bulletin board and tour diaries. [Requires Flash 5.]
- Chooch - Five piece indie-emo-power-pop unit based in Pittsburgh. History, pictures and lyrics.
- Choral Trance - Sample MP3s and CD ordering from this group featuring female choral vocals and bass.
- Chorover, Katya - Contemporary folk artist from Seattle, Washington. Biography, sound files, show dates, quotes, and CD information.
- Chosen Few, The - Pop quartet from Orlando, Florida. Schedule, photographs, RealAudio, MP3s, and lyrics.
- Chosen Few, The - Punk band from Melbourne, Australia. Provides a biography, discography, and related links.
- Chosen X - Official site for Christian punk/rap fusion band from South Florida. Audio, lyrics, biographies, discography, and pictures.
- Chosmos - Pop/rock band from Germany. Offers a brief profile and MP3 downloads.
- Chotaire - Electronic composer and musician from Germany. Biography, audio samples and pictures.
- Chou, Jay - Biography and image gallery. At AsiaFinest.com.
- Chris Perez Band - Official site includes biography, press, pictures and sound clips.
- Christian Crossing - Southern gospel duo from Huntsville, Alabama. Concert schedule, pictures and news.
- Christian, James - Interview with James about his music and House of Lords.
- Christian, Kim and Dan - A dynamic accordion duo from the Denver area. CD sales and sound samples.
- Christie, Angella - Biography, frequently asked questions, discography, sound samples, itinerary and booking information for the Christian saxophonist.
- Christie, Loe - Profile of the '60s singer. Includes a discography, history and current activities.
- Christmas, Art - Canadian musician, conductor, director and music educator. Contains photographs, biography, and related links.
- Christmas, Keith - U.K.-based blues singer-songwriter and acoustic guitarist. Sound samples, news and biography.
- Christophe - Lyrics and selected discography for the French musician.
- Christopher - Music, photographs, news, and interviews from the Montreal composer.
- Christopher - Biography, MP3s, pictures and news from the alternative folk hip-hop singer-songwriter.
- Christopher, Shane - Dayton, Ohio pop/rock artist. Information, discography, pictures, MP3s and message board.
- Christophers, Ben - Official site from his record label with news, exclusive audio and video, gig information and discography.
- Chroma - British chamber ensemble; includes biography, gigs and list of members.
- Chromosome Tea - Rock band from California's San Fernando Valley. Includes news, show reviews, pictures and message board.
- Chronics, The - News, shows, press and pictures for the Fort Wayne, Indiana rock band.
- Chronis - World fusion music inspired by traditional folk dances from Greece.
- Chronopoulos and The Spartans - Information, song clips and photos from this Santa Cruz, California jazz band.
- Chton - Biography, discography, show dates and pictures from the Norwegian death metal band.
- Chua, Tanya - Fan site for the Singaporean artist includes picture gallery and discography.
- Chubby Bunny - Official site of the circus metal band based in Salinas, California. Includes biography, sound samples, show dates and images.
- Chuck Nash Band - Biography, news, reviews, calendar, lyrics and contact information.
- Chupacabra - Hardcore/metal band from the Netherlands. Includes a biography, lyrics, pictures and news updates.
- Church of Betty - New York band influenced by Indian pop and classical music. Calendar, news, lyrics, pictures, history, reviews, MP3s and video clips.
- Churchills, The - Official site includes audio and video clips, pictures and mailing list. [Requires Flash.]
- Ciani, Suzanne - Electronic musician and composer based in California; includes biography, pictures, discography, video and sound clips, interviews and concert dates.
- Ciao Bella - Cleveland-based "demented lounge" quartet. News, shows, biography, MP3s, pictures, press and message board.
- Ciari, Claude - Guitar player with published MIDI and MP3 files.
- CIC - Unsigned punk band from Courtice, Ontario. Includes MP3s, pictures, biographies, show dates and history.
- Cicero - Information about this Pet Shop Boys protege, including history, biography and chronology.
- Cider - Unsigned pop rock band from Orlando, Florida. News, MP3s, show dates, images and message board.
- Cidy Zoo - Michigan guitarist Bill Toll's group; features reviews, samples, biographies and information about the band and performance dates.
- Ciego Kaos - Five-piece thrash band from La Puente, California.
- Cifelli, Kristin - Biography, news, audio samples, lyrics, show dates, and photos of the singer-songwriter.
- Cikmaz Sokak - Includes MP3, pictures, news, and biography. From Cyprus Kibris.
- Cindy Lou and The Cactus Creek Band - Country band from Connecticut. Band member profiles, show dates, song list, contact information, pictures and link to MP3s.
- Cinema - Progressive/art-rock band from central Sweden. Includes general information, sound samples and history.
- Cintron, Ignacio - Includes biography, audio, photos, and CD information.
- Cipher - Biography, audio clips, gig and release dates and pictures for the Australian band.
- Circle of Friends - Bluegrass band from North Carolina. MP3s, contact information, merchandise, news and profiles.
- Circle of 5ths - News, member profiles, pictures, show dates and equipment list.
- circle of willis - Alternative gospel space funk group from Australia. Biography, sound clips, pictures, lyrics, news and reviews.
- Circled Son - Peoria, Illinois-based groove metal band. Offers a biography, show dates and news.
- Circus of Destruction - Aggressive, groove-oriented quartet from Philadelphia. Show dates, MP3s, videos, CDs, merchandise and news.
- Cirket Burn - Biography and contact information for the electronica group.
- Cirkus - Official site of the former rock band based in Raleigh, North Carolina.
- Ciro - An alternative Christian artist and surrealist from Whitestone New York.
- Citizen Lane - Alternative-funk-lounge band from Texas. Official site includes tourdates, audio samples, photos, and biographical information.
- Citizen X - Rock band's site includes news, history, gigs, pictures, MP3s and message board.
- Citrus - News, press, audio samples, pictures and show dates from the Los Angeles band.
- City Lights Orchestra - The premiere Big Band of Chicagoland -- a 40-piece orchestra who has entertained countless corporations, associations, and charitable foundations.
- City Moon - Country music band from Oklahoma. Includes reviews, tour dates, audio, and merchandise.
- City Trees - A Boston based contemporary jazz group. Get sound clips from their CD and find out where the band is playing.
- Civil Tones, The - Instrumental soul, surf, spy, and acid jazz band. Biography, pictures, itinerary, discography and booking information.
- Clacket Lane - Member profiles, history, MP3s, tour dates and lyrics from the British band.
- Clan Dyken - World rock activist band with blues and jazz fusion influences. Includes overview, lyrics, MP3s and show dates.
- Clancy, Liam - Official site, with information about Liam's projects, studio, tour dates and discography.
- Clapp, Larry - Concert and recording artist, pianist and composer; has studied at Juilliard School of Music and has been in international competitions.
- Clapton, Sheryl - Christian folk-rock artist from New Mexico. Provides a brief profile and audio downloads.
- Clark - Sound files and biography for the pop/rock band.
- Clark, Anni - She has been singing from Maine to Texas for over 18 years. Show dates, discography, reviews and sound clips.
- Clark, David Antony - New Zealand-based composer of impressionistic, neo-primal music on the White Cloud label. Includes discography, artist profile, and CD ordering information.
- Clark, Gene - Fan site for the musician and co-founder of the Byrds includes links, song archive, music sources, photographs and festival news.
- Clark, Pete - News and reviews of Pete Clark's fiddle CDs, from Music in Scotland.
- Clark, Philip - MP3s, information and tour dates for the New York blue-eyed soul singer.
- Clark Sisters, The - Fan club site for the gospel quartet features news, biographies, discography, pictures and message board. [Requires Flash.]
- Clark, Tom and The High Action Boys - The Official Tom Clark and the High Action Boys Site! News, Information, Dates, Photos, Music, Scandal, Mayhem and More!
- Clarke, Dave - With discography and sound files.
- Clarke, Preston - New York singer-songwriter performing jazz-infused Americana rock. Biography, shows and sound samples.
- Classic 9 - A Finnish electronic artist. Includes MP3s and reviews.
- Claudette - Profile and sound files from the New York based jazz vocalist.
- Claudine 3 - Information, biography, sound files, show schedules, and secret identities.
- Clay People - Dedicated to the Albany band. Includes concert photos, member information and cover art.
- Clay Vanessa - Alternative pop rock band from Redlands, California, with influences drawing on jazz, funk, reggae and Latin.
- Claymore - Fan site for the Kitsap band from western Washington with news, pictures and message board.
- Clayton, Justin - Fan site for the alternative British rocker, previously lead guitarist for Julian Lennon.
- Clayton, Patty - Performer of original ballads and borrowed songs about today and yesterday in the west.
- Clayton, Vikki - U.K. singer-songwriter. News, biography, discography, pictures, lyrics, chords and album information.
- Clean Slate - Contemporary Christian band and music ministry of the Panton (Vermont) Community Church. Includes news, calendar and sound clips.
- Cleaning Ladys, The - Chicago area band known for their humorous pop-rock and radio music-talk show "Needle Drop." RealAudio and MP3 clips, news, member profiles, history and FAQs.
- Clear Creek Band - Oklahoma-based band. Includes a biography, member profiles and show dates.
- Cleare, Mike - Offers news and audio samples.
- Clearman, Susan J. - Composer, pianist, accordionist and organist. Performs with a number of "Flavors" ethnic bands.
- Clearwater, Eddy - Biography, photos, reviews, merchandise, and tour dates for the Chicago blues artist.
- Cleary, Jan - Independent neo-folk/rock artist based in New York City. Includes biography, pictures and sound samples.
- Cleaves, Andy - Official site of the Southern California trumpet player includes reviews, photo gallery, live dates and biography.
- Cleaves, Slaid - Information from MusicAustin about tis hot new Americana singer/songwriter.
- Cleeshay - British band playing rock music from the 1950s to the present. Includes member profiles, equipment list, news and pictures.
- Clement, Paul - Australian guitarist, vocalist, sound engineer, producer, audio recording specialist and composer. Details of recordings and reviews.
- Clement, Robbie - Comprehensive index of links related to this Wisconsin singer-songwriter and owner of the Tomorrow River Music record label.
- Clements, Chris - Contemporary Christian pop/rock singer-songwriter. Includes biography, concert listings, news, album information, sound clips and reflections.
- Clements, Rod - CD reviews, biography, discography, show dates, pictures, forum and links to the singer-songwriter's bands.
- Clements, Tracy - Biography and MP3 downloads of the Cornwall singer/songwriter.
- Clemmer, Debbie - Radio links, sound clips, and performance dates for the singer/songwriter.
- Clergyman, The - A collection of artists in the Toronto area providing folk, trip-hop and other electronic and alternative music for the masses at large. From MP3.com.
- Cleveland - Rock band from Cheltenham, England. Offers member profiles and audio files.
- Clewer, Janey - Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter. Album information, biography, pictures, news and fan club.
- Clientele - Official site for the London band, with soundclips, news and links.
- Cliff Edge Panic - Pictures, MP3s and profile of the '80s Irish rock band.
- Climate Control - Band from New Orleans. Includes news, dates, pictures and MP3 files.
- Climax Blues Band - Contains history, member profiles, discography, gig guide, news and mailing list.
- Climber - The Climber Source is the official site of the St. Louis rock band.
- Cline, David Neil - Heavy/hard rock artist from Detroit. Offers a biography and reviews.
- Cline, Leigh - A guitarist/composer playing a unique mixture of folk, blues, celtic, and Turkish music. Bio, sound clips, other information.
- Cling, The - News, member profiles, pictures and audio samples from the five-piece UK band. [Requires Flash.]
- Clinker - News, profile, gigs, and audio samples from the London band.
- Clintstones, The - Rock band from North Kent, UK. Includes pictures, gig dates and sound clips.
- Clip - Official site for the Chicago based electro-rock group.
- CliP, The - Pop and rock band from Berlin, Germany. Includes MP3, RealAudio and VQF samples.
- CliqBoom - MP3s and information from the Finnish trance artist.
- Clive, Hannah - London-based singer-songwriter; features sound clips, biography, discography, pictures, mailing list and screensaver.
- Clocks, The - Biography, discography, sound files, and photographs.
- Cloning Einstein - Smooth new adult contemporary pop music. RealAudio and free MP3s, indluding a contemporary remake of U2's 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.'
- Close, Jon - Jon Close is an accomplished Jazz, Blues and New Age Artist with Emmy award for the PBS Special 'The Liquid Stage'.
- Close Shave - Tasmanian Barbershop quartet home page with links to the local chorus page.
- Closure - News, biography, song descriptions and pictures.
- Cloud Canis - Information about the band.
- Cloud9 Mission, The - British soul/funk artist inspired by Prince. Biography, album information, MP3s and news. [Requires Flash.]
- Cloud Nine - A Norfolk band playing songs from the 1960's. Site includes a photo album, member profiles, a gig list, and MP3 samples.
- Clouds, The - Discography, lyrics and reviews for the Australian band.
- Clouse, Chad - Fiddler playing bluegrass, old-time, Celtic, folk, swing and new acoustic music. Biography, discography, schedule, audio and video clips and information on lessons.
- Clown School Dropouts, The - Saxophone and drum duo playing 1930s novelty jazz, klezmer and cartoon music. Biography, press, schedule and pictures.
- Clowndogs - Grunge/Punk band. Features biographies, history, pictures, reviews and album information.
- Clownkiller - Sound samples from the new album of the Italian hard-rock band.
- Club Giants - Contains MP3s, live footage, reviews, pictures, and a biography for the English band.
- ClubhouseKids - Latino Group from Chicago. Includes information and pictures.
- Clubmaster7 - Duo playing techno, club, and trance music. Free MP3s, pictures and information.
- ClumZ Lover - Celtic band based in Connecticut. Member profiles, songlist, shows, pictures, downloads and street team information.
- Cluster Pluckers, The - Blends bluegrass, folk and gospel music. Site offers a biography, MP3 samples and links.
- Clutch88 - Information concerning the Clutch88 Reunion in Panama City Beach, Florida with dates and pictures.
- Clyde - Alternative rock band from Tempe, Arizona.
- CMKY - Italian progressive rock band; includes news, biography, discography, pictures, MP3s, lyrics and tour dates.
- CMoxie - AOL homepage for Philadelphia-based, songwriter and performer, with performance schedule.
- CO2 - Modern rock band from Windsor, Connecticut. News, biography, pictures, tour and contact information. [Requires Flash.]
- Cobb, Karen - Official information source for her new album 'Happy'. Sample tracks and ordering information.
- Cobb, Oliver - Contains biography, photos, and album information.
- Cobra Verde - Snazzy music, revealing photos, scandalous stories, titillating tidbits, behind-the-scenes goings on and enough propaganda to keep you brainwashed for months.
- Cocaine Brotherz - Munster, Germany electronic act. MP3s, mailing list, and links.
- Cocco, Lenny and The Chimes - Doo wop group from Brooklyn, New York. Profile, pictures, and concert schedule.
- Cochon Bleu - A cajun band from the Netherlands. Site includes contact information, band biography, discography, song samples, and pictures.
- Cochran, Tammy - Features news, photos and biography.
- Cocksocket - MP3 downloads and listening from the experimental group.
- Coco Candissi - Shows, news, pictures, booking information and press for the Austin, Texas group.
- Coconutheads, The - Florida-based Reggae band; features pictures, profile, schedule, album information and merchandise.
- Coctail Angst - Psychedelic jazz quintet from Brooklyn, New York. Includes press, band profiles and history, show dates, lyrics, MP3 downloads, photos, discography, and merchandise.
- Coda - Official site of the Anglo-Italian rock band Coda, based in Tuscany, Italy. MP3s and video clips available.
- Code: Blue - Punk rock band based in Saginaw, Michigan. Profiles, pictures, news and lyrics.
- Code Monkey - London-based guitar band. News, history, MP3s, pictures and lyrics. [Requires Flash.]
- Code Talkers, The - The official home of the band which features Col. Bruce Hampton; including news, upcoming shows, photos, and a message board.
- Code Zero - Page for the Maryland electronic band from MP3.com.
- Co-Dependents, The - History, show dates and pictures from the Orange County, California band.
- Coffee House Gypsies - Miami alternative folk-rock band; includes member profiles, pictures, lyrics, song samples and news.
- Cogswell - Source for show information, band biographies, and the latest news on the Pittsburgh-based trio.
- Coincidence - Grunge band from Tennessee. Features news, biographies and links.
- Cold and Alone - Heavy metal band from Atlanta, Georgia. Biography, pictures, discography and band philosophy.
- Cold Mourning - Sound samples, news and merchandise information.
- Cold Steel Crown - Metal band from Massachusetts. MP3s, pictures and lyrics.
- Cold Storage - Official site of the Minneapolis-based metal/hardcore group. Offers lyrics, pictures and sound clips.
- Cold, The - Fan site for the '80s New Orleans pop band includes history, news, MP3s, articles, lyrics and pictures.
- Cold Turkey - Christian ska band from Topeka, Kansas. Offers a mission statement, concert dates, merchandise and press reviews.
- Cold Warning - MP3s and information from Augusta, Maine alternative artist Trevor Brawn.
- Cold Weather Rescue - San Diego-based rock band. News, member profiles, pictures, sound clips, lyrics and message board.
- Colder Year, A - Provides news, lyrics, photos, tour dairy, and related links.
- Coldspoon Conspiracy, The - News, history and pictures from the Dublin indie rock band.
- Coldstream - Christian metal band from York, Pennsylvania; includes biography, shows and pictures.
- Cole, Naida - Biography, sound samples, performances, bulletin board and press from the Canadian violinist.
- Coleman, Andrew - Electronica artist. Biography, MP3s, and links.
- Coleman, Deborah - Blues guitarist and singer providing discography, tour dates, biography, and audio samples.
- Colgate, Bill - Roots rock singer-songwriter's site includes biography, album information, songs in development and news.
- Colionne, Nick - Combining jazz with R&B and funk. Site offers photos, biography, upcoming events and discography.
- Collapse - Facts, news, shows, sound samples and pictures from the Minnesota band.
- Collateral Damage - Biographies and news for the Greenville, South Carolina band.
- Collective, The - MP3s and information on the techno/trance/electronica/comedy group based in St. Paul, Minnesota.
- Collide - Driving industrial soundtracks fueled by technotic beats, grinding guitars and ethereal female vocals.
- Collider - New York-based electropunk band. News, bulletin board, pictures and tour dates.
- Collingwood, The - Show dates, news, biographies and contact information for the Delaware quintet.
- Collins, Bill - Biography of the singer/songwriter from his record label.
- Collins, Dan - Funky/alternative pop musician/songwriter. News, biography, song samples, lyrics and pictures.
- Collins, Kenny and Mad Hatter - Free music downloads from the New Jersey acoustic folk rock trio. From MP3.com.
- Collum, Bob - U.K.-based roots/pop rock singer-songwriter. Tour dates, news, biography, reviews and pictures.
- Colman, Chuck - Official site of the pianist and singer-songwriter. Contains sound clips, tour information, mailing list sign-up, and album details.
- Colonel Mustard - Official site for the jam band includes appearance schedule. [Requires Flash.]
- Colony - Official website for the band, including sound files, pictures, and tour dates.
- Color - Austin-based pop/rock band. Biographies, pictures, audio and video clips, mailing list, tour dates and diary. [Requires Flash.]
- Color Green,The - Los Angeles rock band featured in the movie "Girl". News, biography, MP3s, pictures, tour information and forum.
- Color Theory - A synthesis of sophisticated piano playing, intelligent lyrics, and heartfelt vocals - with an electronic backbone. Brian Hazard is this one man band.
- Color Wall - Official home of LA-based indie guitar band with shoegaze and dreampop influences.
- Colorfast - Picture and short biography of the band.
- Colorhouse - Song clips, show updates, pictures, biography and all the other good stuff from the NYC band.
- Colourtide - News, history, upcoming events, sound files, lyrics, and CD information for the band from Co. Cork, Ireland.
- Colt, C.W. and the Alligator Pirates - Americana singer-songwriter from Key West, Florida. Includes pictures, sound samples and biographies.
- Colville, Eric - Singer/songwriter based in Massachusetts, U.S. Includes biography, lyrics, MP3 audio, upcoming events, and discography.
- .COM - Playlist, member profiles, pictures, tour dates from the Maine band.
- Coma Savants, The - Official site for the piano-based circus trance rock band includes news, tour information, sound samples, pictures and a fan discussion board.
- Comadose - News, pictures, video and audio clips, show dates and biographies for the hardcore band.
- Comas, The - Band from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Includes biography, show dates, pictures and sound samples.
- Comatrip - Official website of the Cleveland band. Includes member profiles, news, show dates and pictures.
- Combat 84 - Official site of the UK punk band.
- Combination Lock - Show dates, news, bio, picture, sound clips, CD ordering, and discography for this Washington, D.C. based hard core band.
- Combo Latino - The musicians of Combo Latino come from El Salvador, Spain, Cuba, Argentina and Germany and are based in Europe. Site in German, English and French.
- Combs, Daniel - Emo-alternative Christian artist. Includes a biography, news, booking information and links.
- Combustion Collective, The - Improvisational jazz fusion ensemble from Seattle; features biography, pictures, MP3s, reviews and shows.
- Come and Go - The official web page of the band. Pictures, MP3, RealAudio, concert dates, and album information.
- Comet 9 - Browse member biographies and performance photographs, and download CD-quality full-length MP3s from this Midwest U.S. trip-hop band's first album, Like Mercury.
- Comic Action Girl - News, MP3s, pictures, show dates and lyrics from the Belgian pop/rock band.
- Coming Down - Dallas band's site features news, member profiles, audio and video clips, pictures and show dates.
- Comley, Andy - English singer/songwriter. MP3 audio for download, interview, and photograph.
- Commie Robots - MP3s, pictures, news and fan club information.
- Committed - Official site maintained by the band themselves.
- Commodores Big Band, The - Seventeen-piece band specializing in big band and ballroom dance music. History, repertoire, recordings, calendar and booking information.
- Common - Rapper from Illinois. Chat room, biography, news, fan club, merchandise, and video clip.
- Common Ground - Hip-Hop group from Tonawanda, NY. Free MP3 download.
- Common Ground, The - Alternative rock band out of Utah. Biography, concert dates, pictures, booking information and MP3s.
- Common, The - Original rock band from Indiana. Includes a biography, press kit, show dates and pictures.
- Commonloss - Biography, pictures and sounds from the Vacaville, California band.
- Commonplace - Emo-rock outfit from Texas. Biography, news, shows, pictures, MP3s and lyrics.
- Companhia das Musicas - Group based in New Jersy playing Portuguese music with traditional instruments. Show dates, biographies, sound files, and photo album.
- Comrade Jack - Sounds, pictures, biographies, lyrics and gigs from the punk band.
- C.O.N. 82 - Biographies, news, lyrics and events for the punk rock band.
- Con Demek - Rhythmic, chaotic, Industrial Noise.
- Con Dolore - Discography, news, links...
- Concealed Banana Project - Biography and MP3s from the Vermont band.
- Concentric - A mixture of ska, reggae, and funk. Album information, audio samples, lyrics and booking information.
- Concubot, The - Biography, shows, lyrics, pictures and MP3s.
- Condemned Conception - Niagara Falls/Buffalo NY area hard rock and thrash metal band.
- Condiments, The - Seattle indiepop band compared to Velocity Girl and Superchunk. Shows, discography and audio clips.
- Condition Red - Punk rock band from Hamburg, Germany. News, pictures, MP3s and lyrics. [Also in German.]
- Conditioned Response - Official web site for the Twin Cities-based hard rock band. Concert dates, RealAudio, chat and pictures.
- Conduction - Biography, pictures, show dates and sound samples from the Miami band.
- Cones Corroded - Biography, concerts, press, pictures, discography and MP3s.
- Conflict of Interest - Metal band from Bitburg, Germany. From MP3.com.
- Conflict OK! - Estonian punk and hardcore band. Includes discography, gig list and contact information.
- Conflicted - Modern rock band based in Lubbock, Texas. Includes MP3s, information and mailing list.
- Confusion - Jazz rock fusion band from Athens, Greece. History, discography, pictures, news and equipment information.
- Confusion Zero - Pop-hardcore punk band from Savannah, GA. Offers pictures, lyrics and merchandise.
- Conga, Johnny and the Mambo-Jazz Octet - Miami-based ensemble; includes schedule, biography, audio samples, pictures and reviews.
- Conley, Mike - New Jersey singer/songwriter influenced by Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty; includes album information and news.
- ConMoto - Funk/jazz/pop band from Norwich. Gig listings, biographies, MP3s and discography.
- Connallon, Laura - Biography, gigs, pictures, and contact information for the Indiana singer-songwriter.
- Conspiracy - South Florida dance/rock band; features biography, schedule, booking information and sound samples. [Requires Flash.]
- Conspiracy John - Official site for the metal band with tour dates and tour journal.
- Conspire - Contains MP3, lyrics, biographies, and pictures.
- Construct - Alternative/punk/jazzcore band from Holland. Includes MP3 samples, videos and pictures.
- Conte, Paolo - Biography, discography, articles, news, tour dates, and reviews of the Italian pianist. [English and Italian; paid subscription required for some features.]
- Contenders, The - Rock and roll band with an eclectic electric sound. Site contains rare photographs and member profiles.
- Continental Drifters - Official band site with news, tour dates, merchandise, history. Roots-rock band featuring former members of the Bangles, dB's and Dream Syndicate.
- Contours, The - Motown band known for "So You Love Me" which was included on the Dirty Dancing movie soundtrack. Includes biography and discography.
- Contraband - Kent based barn/folk dance band.
- Contrast, The - Fan site for the UK band. Includes reviews, gig listings, photos, interviews, links, and news.
- Control Group, The - US pop/rock band. Includes information about the group, gigs, press clips, sample music. [Requires Flash]
- Controllers, The - Official web site for the rhythm and blues vocal group.
- Controversy Spark - Pictures, equipment, pictures and chat from the British band.
- Convertible Jennifers - New York-based pop band; includes show dates, MP3s and booking information.
- Conway, Chris - UK folk, jazz, and world musician. Includes biography, discography, news, gigs, pictures, and CD information.
- Conways, The - A four piece punk/rock/pop band out of Chicago, Illinois. Site includes band history, show dates, pictures, and song samples.
- Conwell, Whitey - Contemporary blues and R&B coming out of The Golden State.
- Cooder, Ry - The Onion AV Club interviews the veteran musician on his career, Cuban music, and his work on the acclaimed film Buena Vista Social Club.
- Cook, Christin - Audio/video clips, photos and information on dating from the teenage worship leader.
- Cook County Jazz Commission, The - Chicago quartet playing a mix of swing, bop, and jazz tunes. Biography, list of performances, sound samples, pictures and contact information.
- Cook, Jennifer Ellen - Singer-songwriter from Austin blending pop, rock, and acoustic guitar. Includes press, pictures, MP3s and schedule.
- Cook, Mike - MP3s and information from the Frankfort, New York artist
- Cook, Rod and Toast - Seattle band offers a refreshing approach to traditional American roots music, combining blues, rock, country, bluegrass, jazz, and bayou influences.
- Cool Beans - The official site, with latest news and sound clips, for the Chicago band.
- Cool Beans Band, The - Pictures, MP3s, biography, song list and tour dates from the Alabama band.
- Cool Hands Luke - Ska/punk band based in Nashua, New Hampshire. Includes news, gigs, biographies, pictures and lyrics.
- Cool Waters Band, The - Latest news, concert dates, reviews and merchandise.
- Cooldaddy - Southern California-based swing band; features band profile, mailing list, MP3s and pictures.
- Cooldown - Interview with lead singer Miss Benny at TheCelebrityCafe.com.
- Cooley High - Member profiles, gigs, news and pictures of the band.
- Cooper, David - Personnel information, album synopsis and track listing, biography, sound samples and reviews from the Texas violinist.
- Cooper, Rick - Biography, pictures, performance dates and information on lessons.
- Copafeelia - Album information and lyrics from the Champaign, Illinois band.
- Copely, Marc - Singer-songwriter's site includes audio/video downloads, photos and news from the road. [Requires Flash.]
- Copenhagen Police Band - A wind orchestra with 45 members from Denmark.
- Coplen, Travis Leigh - Biography, show dates and MP3s from the North Carolina country singer.
- Copperhead - Country and Americana band from Amarillo, Texas. Profiles, performance dates, photographs, and links.
- Coppola, Michael - Official site of the jazz guitarist offers a biography and reviews.
- Copse Rd. - News, history, gigs and pictures from the U.K. rock quartet.
- Copus - Combines the classic poetry of Royal Kent and the passionate compositions of Wendy Loomis to create a fresh, exciting new sound.
- Coral, The - News, tour information, video and audio clips, biography, press for the Merseyside, England band. [Requires Flash.]
- Coratello, Vincent - Las Vegas based bass player. Hear samples of his songs and purchase his CD.
- Cordeles de Viento - Spanish band. "We show some very interesting texts that sometimes as happens with "La banda" (The Gang) may lead to the exchange of opinions."
- Cordelia - News, pictures, lyrics, biographies, discography and audio samples.
- Corduroy 9 - Official site for the Baltimore area band with dates, press, history and biographies, pictures and booking information.
- Core - Rock band based in Tallahassee, Florida; includes news, pictures, audio, message board and show dates.
- Core Device - Biography, reviews, pictures, forum and sound and video clips for the metal band.
- Core Dreams - MP3 music from this electronic band.
- Corey - News, tour information, biographies, pictures and links to audio and video streams.
- Corey - Official site of the pop artist features news, pictures, show dates, audio files and contact information.
- Cork - Corky Laing speaks to TheCelebrityCafe.com.
- Corleone Family, The - New rap group on Worldwide Records.
- Corliss, Kathy - Musically addictive songs of new rock pop artist Kathy Corliss.
- Cornelio, Lisa - News, schedule and contact information for the New York City-based singer-songwriter.
- Cornelius - Electronic artist Cornelius, real name Keigo Oyamada. Biography, discography, and photos.
- Corner Stone - Pictures from a live performance by the Las Vegas-based funky rap/rock fusion band.
- Coronets, The - A band based in London England. MP3 files, news and photographs.
- Corr, Wayne - U.K.-based modern and traditional country music artist. Includes biography, audio samples and booking information.
- Corre, Jay - Official site of the jazz tenor sax artist provides an archive of classic photos, tributes and streaming audio.
- Correo Aereo - World music duo from the Seattle area; features news, history, pictures, sound samples and reviews.
- Corrine - Guitar-pop singer from the U.K.; includes biography, pictures and press, as well as resources for guitarists.
- Corruption Inc. - Official homepage of the metal band from the land of the thousand lakes, Finland.
- Cortes, John and Digital Ambiance - Biography, booking and contact information for the jazz saxophonist.
- Cortex Bomb - News, album information, MP3s and press links from the Tucson, Arizona band.
- Cortez, Damian Orona - Official site for this artist. News, profile, pictures, sample MP3 downloads.
- Cortina - Unsigned band based in London; includes gigs, history, biographies, pictures and MP3s. [Requires Flash.]
- Corum - Corum is a three piece, progressive metal band from Minneapolis. View show dates and hear music clips.
- Corwin, Dave - Exciting new music. Free MP3 and Real Audio downloads.
- Coryell, Larry - Biography, discography, photos, forum, shopping, tour dates, news, and links.
- Cosmic Ballroom - Swedish rock 'n' roll knockouts. News and pictures.
- Cosmic Mercy - Includes a biography, gig dates, pictures, lyrics and audio/video samples.
- Cosmic Psychos - Unofficial site featuring tour and band information, discography, and tablatures.
- Cosmic Soundkraft - Climb aboard the Cosmic Soundkraft and take a wild ride into space, time and dimension.
- Cosmic Wheels, The - Tour dates, MP3s and contact information from the jam band.
- Cossette, Sylvain - Fan site for the Quebec singer includes news, discography, pictures, biography, videography, calendar and articles.
- Costa, Alaide - Site of the Afro-Brazilian singer.
- Costa, Angela - Songwriter and poet from the scorched lawn of suburbia delivers tales of the everyday dysfunctional: strange neighbors, illusive love and why you sometimes might feel like a loser.
- Costanzo, Jill - Pop/rock musician from San Diego, California.
- Cott, Shera - Biography and MP3s from the Canadian poet/songwriter.
- Cotten, Elizabeth - Comprehensive index of links related to the late singer-songwriter, guitarist and composer of "Freight Train".
- Cotter, Mike - Washington, DC based singer/songwriter. Cotter was voted DC's best vocalist four years in a row.
- Cotters Bequest - Pan Celtic band from Australia playing 23 instruments with lush vocals performed in Irish, Scottish, Manx, Welsh and Cornish languages.
- Cotton, Paul - Lead guitar player for the country rock band Poco. Provides a biography, photos, and lyrics.
- Cougars - Shows, booking information, pictures, sound sample and mailing list.
- Coughlan, Mary - Hundreds of carefully sorted links plus biographical timeline for the Irish singer.
- Coulter, Nicholas; and Graham Hargrove - Includes biographies, images, and liner notes.
- Council, Maggie - Eclectic singer-songwriter based in Tampa, Florida. Includes MP3 downloads, biography and show dates.
- Council of the Sun - Group blending Latin jazz, hip-hop, drum and bass with Afro-Cuban and bossa nova influences.
- Count, The - Newcomer band from Germany combines Electro and Gothic-Metal. Get the MP3s and the latest news on their official homepage.
- Count, The - Download several songs by Cole Gentles, the NYC theatrical, orchestral rock musician.
- Countdowns, The - Swiss beat band; features biography, discography, lyrics, pictures and booking information
- Counterpart - A local band from Michigan that is crunching out all the new sounds.
- Counterpoint - Band from the East Bay Area of California. MP3s and cool stuff plus upcoming show information.
- Couple of Guys, A - Live acoustic music in the Greater Toronto area. Available for playing material from the 60's to the 90's at private parties and pub nights.
- Courtesy of Nothing - New Jersey band influenced by Deftones, Tool, Mudvayne and Taproot. Biography, shows, pictures, street team and link to MP3s.
- Courtney, David and Chandrakantha - A husband and wife team who perform traditional North Indian music.
- Couseau - A collective of musicians based in Brighton UK. Contains news, information and MP3.
- Cousin Ernie - Three-piece alt-rock band from Kansas with influences in funk, folk and blues. News, MP3s, forum, press kit and fan club.
- Cousin Lovers - Official site includes biographies, show dates, reviews, sound files, and CD information.
- Cousins - All original music to include rock, blues, folk, country, and alternative sound.
- Cousteau - Member profiles, pictures, audio and video samples, news, reviews, history, tour information and diary for the London-based trip-hop band.
- Coven, Randy - News, biography, equipment list, discography and pictures from the rock bassist.
- Coventry Road - Funky alternative band from New Jersey. Schedule, news, pictures and mailing list.
- Cover Me Quick! - Alternative band from the Philippines; includes history, news, link to MP3s, gigs and pictures.
- CoverCharge - Christian alternative band from California. Includes pictures, lyrics, MP3, RealAudio, biographies, merchandise, and games.
- Covert, Ralph - Interview with TheCelebrityCafe.com.
- Covington, Julie - Fan site for the British singer includes chronology and pictures.
- Cowan, John - Rock/gospel/R&B singer. Biography, tour dates, interview, pictures, and sound files.
- Coward, Damon - Artist and songwriter in the tradition of Elvis Costello, Frank Black, Glenn Tilbrook and Joe Jackson. News, photos, sound files, and lyrics.
- Cowboy Surfer - Seedless Records band rocks wild and free on "Surf Saloon".
- Cowboy's Nightmare - All-girl country and western band from Houston, Texas. See showtimes and listen to their renegade brand of country music.
- Cowspace - Los Angeles based four piece group that plays rhythmic, jam-based, melodic rock.
- Cox, Doug - Canadian steel and slide guitarist.
- Cox, Steven - Pop/rock singer-songwriter from San Diego, California. Biography, MP3s, song lyrics, pictures and concert dates.
- Cox, Tina - Biography, pictures, MP3s, and demo CD information from the Illinois soul singer.
- Coy, Dan - Jazz guitarist from Atlanta, Georgia. Biography, sound clips and reviews.
- Coyne, Kevin - Official site includes newsletter, tour dates, MP3, discography and an online gallery with prints, drawings and paintings.
- Coyote Ugly - Rock and blues band from Silver City, NM.
- Crabb, Kemper - Musician whose styles include medeival, Celtic, hard rock and praise. News, biography, lyrics and articles.
- CrabSmasher - Lyrics and forum.
- Crack City Rockers - Information and lyrics, from the Portland, Oregon band.
- Crack Pipes, The - Pictures, discography, essays, unreleased tracks and show dates.
- Crackdown - Hardcore band from Italy.
- Cracked - An enhanced artistic site for the artist; includes MP3s, lyrics and biography.
- Craft, Dallis - Singer-songwriter from the San Francisco Bay area. Mailing list, sound samples and gigs.
- Craft, Walter - The music and food of Western Wisconsin's beloved folksinger.
- Craig, Cathryn - One half of the duo Cathryn Craig and Brian Willoughby. Site includes tour dates, contact information, biographies, pictures, news, and reviews.
- Craig, Stevie Windcild - Space age sounds, ideas, and images from the multimedia artist, musician, author, model and dancer.
- Craik, Jay - Biography and link to MP3s from the Southern California guitarist and singer/songwriter.
- Crain, Chris - Biography, information, and sound clips for the Indiana-based Chapman Stick soloist.
- CRAiVE - Frisco, Texas band playing rock, alternative, and punk with a blend of hip hop. Biography, pictures, events and link to MP3s.
- Crane, Ben - Western singer, composer and cartoon artist. Includes audio, pictures and a biography.
- Cranium - Soul-searching metal band from India. Contains history, tour dates, lyrics, and MP3 files.
- Crank - Australian punk rock band. Includes sound files, tour dates, news, and curry recipes.
- Crankbait - Hardcore metal band. Includes news, lyrics, fan club, biographies, and chat.
- Crap-O-Phonic - Indie lo-fi band from Pennsylvania. Album information, sound samples and studio log.
- Crash - Norco and Ontario, California-based rock band. Contains show schedule, profiles, and photographs.
- Crash Band, The - Official site of the English band. Member profiles, discography, and sound files.
- Crash Kills Four - A band out of Albuquerque NM. Rock meets Emo. Tales of true experience told in songs.
- Crash Poets, The - Rock/Pop group from Hollywood, California. Includes news, MP3, gig dates, and mailing list.
- Crash, The - Fan site for the Finnish band includes news, articles, pictures, forum, discography and tour dates.
- Crasha - Rock band from the UK. Includes information, biography, MP3, photos and merchandise.
- Crashing Blue - Sound samples, news, shows, biography, images and quotes from the Nova Scotia band influenced by Dave Matthews Band and Radiohead.
- Crashland - Includes news, biographies, tours and release dates along with some downloads of games and songs.
- Crashland - UK indie band.
- Crass Roots - Four-piece hardcore suck-metal band from central Florida. Includes sound samples, member profiles, news, lyrics and show dates.
- Craven, Beverley - Fan site for the U.K. singer-songwriter includes lyrics, pictures, news, past tour dates, biography and facts.
- Craver, Mike - Biography, discography, pictures, press and information on the musicals of this pianist and singer.
- Crawdaddies, The - Cajun/Zydeco rhythm band from Baltimore. Offers a biography, photos and member profiles.
- Crawford, Angeline - Site of up and coming female artist Angeline Crawford. Listen to song clips from her CD.
- Crawford, Dan - Sarasota, Florida-based songwriter blending rock, jazz and country. Pictures and calendar.
- Crawford, Randy - Official Atlantic Records site. Includes biography, photos, tour schedule, news and discography.
- Crawl - 3-piece thrash/metal band from Erie, PA.
- Cray, Amy - Fact sheet, artwork, gig history and press for the California singer-songwriter.
- Crazed Cowboys - They play country -- different. Official site of the Hip Hop Country band.
- Crazy Mary - Indie garage band from New York City.
- Crazy People, The - Review of the Canadian rock band's release, "Bedlam".
- Crazy Rhythm - Contact information, discography, sound clips and events.
- Crüde, The - '70s-style punk rock band from Chicago. Includes news, biography, shows, pictures and concert clips.
- Creamer, Laura - Singer/songwriter from Los Angeles. Site includes biography, discography, audio clips, and concert dates.
- Crease - Features show listings, biography, and photos. Requires Flash.
- Created on the Eighth - Show dates, biographies, pictures and MP3s from the California band.
- Creatures, The - Band comprised of Siouxsie Sioux and Budgie of Siouxsie & the Banshees.
- Creed Country - Information about the Christian Country band.
- Creep - The hypnotic alternative rock pop punk audio experience that is Creep. Featuring Sonia Vassi on vocals, Nils Lawrence on bass, Vassil Ananiev on drums.
- Creeper - Official site about the Los Angeles based band.
- Creeper Lagoon - Exclusive feature at Launch. Pictures, audio clips and links.
- Creeping Charlies, The - Includes biographies, sound files, listing of past gigs and news.
- Creeps, The - Los Angeles-based band influenced by '70s and '80s punk and hard rock music. Includes MP3s, lyrics and shows.
- Cremation - Brutal aggressive death metal formation. In Dutch and English.
- Creon - The synthetic music of C.S. Graves.
- Cressey, Michael - Folk-rock artist from Redlands, California. Provides a profile and audio downloads.
- Cribbs, Janie - Sings the stories of a life well traveled, her beautiful voice creating an atmosphere variously described as a "warm hug" and "music from strength".
- Cribbs, Joel Lindsey - An independent recording artist and filmmaker based in Las Vegas; includes upcoming events, projects and latest news.
- CribSog - North Carolina alternative metal/ska band. Includes member profiles, pictures, lyrics, sound clips and news.
- Crifasi, October - Official site of the singer-songwriter and performer includes gigs, workshops, biography and contact information.
- Crim - "Alternative" band.
- Criminals of Evolution, The - Official site of the punk band. Includes history, news and discography.
- Crimson - Christian rock band based in Indianapolis. Includes biographies, equipment list and show dates.
- Crimson Twins - Experimental electronic music. Includes information, MP3 and MIDIs.
- Crimsons, The - Shows, news, photographs, lyrics, MP3s and booking information.
- Crimzon Roze - Classic/heavy alternative rock band from Kansas. Includes sound clips, pictures and tour information.
- Cringe - Local Heavy Metal band with a self-released CD from Lincoln Park, Michigan.
- Cripple Creek Band - Fan site for the German country band includes news, history, discography, schedule and pictures.
- Cripple Mr Onion - New Zealand progressive metal band. News, biography, MP3s and pictures.
- Cris, Jimmy - Modern country singer/songwriter/guitarist from Nashville; includes biography, pictures and sound samples.
- Crisis - UK punk band that was the starting point for Death In June founders Douglas Pierce and Tony Wakeford. Discography, sounds, photos, links, and information.
- Crisis Center - Official site for the alternative/hardrock/metal band.
- Crispin, Michelle - Michelle Crispin's CD, "Superstar" is set for Fall 1999 release on Lovegroove Records. Michelle is the former lead singer for the controversial band Fem 2 Fem.
- Cristian, Manolo - Includes biography, pictures, lyrics and audio samples of this Italian singer.
- Critical Acid - Swiss band that plays funk, acid jazz and hip hop.
- Crizzy and the Punx - Interview with TheCelebrityCafe.com.
- Croatan - "A noisy two piece punk band on Man's Ruin Records."
- Crockett, Chris - California singer-songwriter offering a different song for download daily. Includes biography and newsletter.
- Crockett, Valerie and Walter - Valerie and Walter Crockett's acoustic music albums, performance schedule and lyrics to all their recorded songs -- music ranging from bluegrass to blues.
- Crocodile Shop - Features news, biography, real audio, merchandise and links.
- Croft, Terry and County Line - Classic country, rock and roll band from Southeast Texas. Includes news, tour dates, photos, and MP3 downloads.
- Crome Yellow - Sheffield rock group. Provides audio samples and biographical information.
- Crompton, Barry - Official website of the UK based Canadian singer/songwriter. Features a biography, downloads, tour and recording updates, and merchandise.
- Croonin Kurt and The Hi' Geared Combo - Western swing style band from Rochester, New York. Biography, album information, show dates and booking information.
- Crop Circle - Biography and MP3s from the Vancouver band.
- Cropduster - "Energetic, disillusioned punky-tonk from a gritty, crafty bunch of free spirits." - CMJ
- Cropduster - Indie rock band from Hackensack, New Jersey. Includes upcoming shows, reviews, pictures, message board, and MP3 audio.
- Crosley - All-original power-pop band from Cincinnati, Ohio.
- Cross - Official homepage of the Swedish progressive rock band.
- Cross Breed - Four member punk band from Osahawa. Includes lyrics, pictures and news.
- Crossbreed - Images, audio and video clips, desktop wallpapers, message board and tour dates.
- Crosscut Saw - Photos, gig dates and news on the blues rock band.
- Crosseyed - California band that loves the Lord and pursues to share the love of Jesus Christ with everyone through their music.
- Crossfire - Includes show dates, member profiles, timeline, and song list for the Swiss band.
- Crossfire Band - Twin Cities, Minnesota variety band. Merle to Metallica, Beatles to Blues, Elvis to everything else.
- Crossfyre - Country band from the Chicago area. Includes biography, schedule and pictures.
- Crosshill - Austrian rock and blues duo. Includes a history and WAV files.
- Crosstops - Punk band from Kentucky. Provides a biography, news, links, and photos.
- Crosswalk - Orange County, California rock band. News, biographies, lyrics and MP3s. [Requires Flash.]
- Crosswind - Official site of the Kansas City, Missouri band with information, pictures, schedule and song list.
- Crosswind - Ministry-minded contemporary Christian band from Austin, Texas. Includes pictures, video and audio clips and event calendar. [Requires Flash.]
- Crowded Train - MP3s and information on the Manhattan band. At IUMA.com.
- Crowhead - Norwegian dark rock band; features MP3 files and photos.
- Crowhorn - Modern rock/alternative group from Indiana. Tour dates, pictures, biography and MP3 samples.
- Crown of Thorns - Official site for the band, fronted by Jean Beauvoir (ex-Plasmatics). Includes lyrics, photos, biography and discography.
- Crown Point - Original underground hip-hop and rap crew from San Diego, California. Biographies, MP3s and contact information.
- Crown, The - Official site of The Crown, the Swedish death-metal band formerly known as Crown of Thorns.
- Crowsong - San Francisco band combining acoustic blues of Howling Wolf with the swirling unpredictability of Ornette Coleman. Show dates, MP3s, press, member profiles and mailing list.
- Crozier, Bill - Songs written and recorded by Bill Crozier about science, Peace Corps, existence, work, and such things.
- Crucified, The - The original site for punk/metal band The Crucified.
- Cruiser - Biography, audio and pictures from the Scottish space-pop combo.
- Cruisin' Down Memory Lane - Reading, Pennsylvania-based "oldies" band playing dance music of the '50s, '60s and '70s. Biography, schedule, pictures and song list.
- Crumbs, The - Life will not be complete if you've never heard of the Crumbs. Support me and the band by spreading the word.
- Crunch - Pictures, lyrics, sound and video clips, news, fanzine information, discography and reviews for the U.K. band.
- Crusade - Metal band from Tampa Bay, Florida.
- Cruse - Pop/alternative/dance duo. Offers a biography, tour dates and sound files.
- Crush - Metal/hard rock band from Louisville, KY: sound samples, pictures, biography, news and reviews.
- Crushed Stars - MP3s, reviews, tour dates and album ordering information.
- Crutch, The - Band member profiles, song list and pictures.
- Crux Intention - Biography, news, tour dates, pictures, MP3s and contact information for the Christian rock band.
- Cruz, Edgar - Biography, discography, tour dates and tablature from the Oklahoma acoustic guitarist.
- Cruzarz, The - Contemporary Christian rock band's site includes pictures, album information and fan club.
- Cry Holy - Six-piece Christian rock band from Chicago. Includes reviews, album information, interview and sound samples.
- Cry Wolf - Six-member classic and Southern rock band from Baltimore, Maryland. Includes biographies, song list, show dates, news, pictures, sound samples and booking information.
- Crying Souls - Melodic hard rock band based in the south of Luxembourg. Includes MP3s, album information, pictures and biography.
- Cryptameria - Progressive, dark, magnetic, energetic, metallic and always entertaining band from Virginia.
- Cryptkeeper Five, The - A greaser punk band from central NJ.
- Cryptofobia - Belgian hardcore jump house techno trance beat bass group. Includes member profiles, equipment list, sound samples, news and history.
- Cryptomnesia - The official site for the metal trio.
- Cryptosylum - Colorado teen rock/alternative band.
- Crystal - Chilean rock fusion band. Site includes biography, MP3 files, and photographs.
- Crystal - Home of the melodic rock band. Features news, history, biographies, interviews, audio samples, lyrics and photos.
- Crystal Ball - Melodic/hard rock group from Switzerland; includes biography, pictures, tour dates, press, discography and audio samples.
- Crystal Chip - Rock band from Helsinki, Finland. Includes band member profiles, history, gigs, audio clips, pictures and news.
- Crystal Clarinets - Jazz sextet made up of four clarinetists with bass and cello.
- Crystal Ecstasy - Finnish glam-rock band. Gigs, news, lyrics, pictures, discography and sound clips.
- Crystal Premonition - News and audio samples.
- Crystal Projects, The - Includes samples, videos, pictures. [English and German.]
- Crystal River Trio - Comprehensive index of links related to this Wisconsin folk group.
- Crytes, Stephane - Press clips, discography and pictures from the Canadian experimental jazz drummer. [English and French.]
- C1t1zen - Electronic music with influences from hiphop and drum and bass. Free MP3 files.
- Cuban Boys - Underground electronic weirdness from the UK's premier situationist disco combo.
- ¡Cubanismo! - Booking agency provides biography, discography, news, and tour dates for the 15-piece Cuban orchestra.
- Cucanandy - American quartet performing music and songs from Ireland, Scotland, Canada and the American South.
- Cucumber - Electro-industrial artist from Pittsfield, NH. Includes audio downloads and a brief profile.
- Cudahy - Alternative power pop rock band hailing from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Cue Estey - Hip-hop band; features news, shows, message board and biography. [Requires Flash.]
- Cuft - U.K.-based rock band; includes news, biographies, pictures, album information and desktop wallpapers.
- Cui Jian - Chinese rock star, featuring news, discography with lyrics and sound samples, biography and photos.
- Cuir Bleu - Oakland, California-based band; includes calendar, MP3 links and news.
- Cul-de-sac - Improvisational group from Croatia with electronic, free jazz and noise elements. Biography, pictures, discography, calendar and audio clips. [Requires Flash.]
- Cullen, David - Comprehensive index of links related to this fingerstyle acoustic guitar instrumentalist.
- Culprits, The - MP3s and a weblog of the group's activities.
- Cult of Evilelvis, The - Pictures, biography, MP3 files, lyrics, and news.
- Cult of Soul - Blends rock and R&B. Features information, shows, and influences.
- Cultural Ice Age - News, gigs, pictures, biographies, and message board from the British band.
- Cummins, Paul and the Lion Dogs - Offers a profile and MP3 downloads for the blues band.
- Cunningham, Wes - The latest information on touring, releases, press coverage, as well as lyrics and links.
- Curfew - A four member Contemporary A Cappella group from the Seattle area.
- Curl - Member profiles, lyrics, sound samples, news and pictures from the Canadian power-pop band. [Requires Flash.]
- Currawong - Pop/punk/retro rock band from Bristol, U.K. News, gig dates, member profiles, sound samples and pictures.
- Currently Unnamed Band, The - Official site of The Currently Unnamed Band out of New Milford, CT.
- Curtain Society, The - Includes tour dates, photographs, discography and merchandise for this pop band.
- Curtin, Jim E. - Pictures, biography, sound samples and album information for the Pennsylvania singer.
- Curtis - Instrumental guitar music with rock, jazz and blues influences. Free MP3 and Real Audio files.
- Curtis B - Biography, news, lyrics, sound files, and images for the former Quiet Earth frontman.
- Curtis, Catie - Boston-based folk singer-songwriter. Provides a biography, photos, news, audio samples, and links. [Requires Flash]
- Curtis, Chris - Fan club information and pictures of the R&B and soul singer based in Florida.
- Curtis, Jayme Kelly - An independent singer, songwriter, guitarist, and recording artist who performs and records in Northern California. Her site contains a tutorial of tools for aspiring songwriters.
- Curtis, Lesley - Biography, tour dates and album information for the U.K. singer-songwriter.
- Curtola, Bobby - Canada's Rock and Roll Legend and recipient of the Order of Canada.
- Cuscus - Official band site with free MP3 downloads of their original brand of rock.
- Cush - Hip-hop/rock band from New York City and Columbus, Ohio. Includes Real Audio clips, photographs, and group overview.
- Cush - Includes news, member profiles, pictures and show dates.
- Cusson, Matt - Pianist and singer-songwriter. Biography, performances and pictures.
- Custodians, The - Rock band from Houston, Texas. Features a photo gallery, gig dates and Real Audio samples.
- Custom Caravans - The Caravans are a surf/garage rock band from Laramie, Wyoming. The official site has MP3s, photos, articles, and other information.
- Custom Deluxe - News, show dates, discography, pictures, MP3 samples and lyrics for the California punk band.
- Cut Up Online - New York City-based rock band. Includes tour dates, MP3s, streaming video, and band information.
- Cutthroat - Punk band for people who like punk.
- Cutting Edge Band, The - Celtic/folk band from Scotland. Features news, band profiles, discography, lyrics, tours and audio clips.
- Cuttle, Jeff - Jesus-driven guitar-rock'n Christian Contemporary.
- Cutway - A ska/punk outfit out of Winter Springs, Florida.
- Cyber Porn - Profile and sound files of the California electronic band.
- Cyber Zen Sound Engine - Ambient electronica group based in Houston, Texas. News, MP3s, discography and distribution information.
- Cyberthreat - Electronic Industrial Music from Brazil. Includes biography, news, interviews photos and MP3.
- Cycle of Death - Biography, pictures, schedule and MP3s.
- Cyclonic - Official site of the youth indie-rock band from South Wales. Contains RealAudio and pictures.
- Cyder Shack - Party alternative band from Blacksburg, Virginia. Member profiles, show dates, booking information, biography, pictures and mailing list.
- Cygorhex - Electronica music experiment mixing drum and bass, punk, dub reggae and hardcore. Includes biography, discography, MP3s, videos, show dates and message board.
- Cylob - Cylob is a recording artist making electronic music for Rephlex records, UK. Contains release and gig news, a discography, an archive and some exclusive MP3s.
- Cymotec - Modern post-industrial EBM outfit from Germany. Includes news and general information on the band.
- Cynder - Heavy melodic indie band from North Carolina. Biography, discography, images and shows.
- Cynic - Fan site includes news, tablature, lyrics, articles and information on members' current activities.
- Cynosis - From St. Joseph, Missouri. Features MP3, pictures, links, news, cd information, and polls.
- Cyntje, Reginald - The Reginald Cyntje Group is a straight-ahead jazz group based in the New York area available for clubs, private parties, and festivals.
- Cypher - An independent rock band. Includes member profiles, pictures, background story, lyrics, and sound files.
- Czars, The - Official web-site for The Czars, the moody pop icons and recent winners of The Best Rock Band in Colorado.
- Czech Melody Masters - Biography,discography, schedule and MP3s from the Austin-based Czech polka band.
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