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Song and Music - Anne Sofie von Otter Lyrics
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Top Song Lyrics - Find lyrics for bands including Anne Sofie von Otter
Surfers Limited Lyrics - Lyrics for 20 bands including Pink Floyd, Tori Amos, Kate Bush, Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys, Julee Cruise, Erasure, and Enigma.
Thoughtless Thoughts - Smashing Pumpkins, Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Jack Off Jill.
UK number 1 lyrics - The lyrics to every U.K No 1 single from Al Martino back in 1952 to the present day. - Recent charthits from the BILLBOARD-Modern Rock Charts. Some classics and specially for the New-Rock-fans - songs and complete album.
We will be adding additional sites with words and lyrics. If you have a site with song words or
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Rock Consciousness - "The Benevolent Psychotic Rock Consciousness" - A unique blend of lyrics from the 60's onward and alternative politics.
Rock Gothic - Specialized and extensive for this genre, with many lesser known groups Bauhaus, Clan Of Xymox, Ben Harper, Elastica, ...
Rock Lyrics - Rockin' lyrics of artists ordered from A as AC/DC and Brian Adams to Z as Frank Zappa and ZZ Top.
Rock Lyrics - By album - Bad Religion, Bush, Creed, Filter, Godsmack, KoRn, Limp Bizkit, Malene Kunz, Metallica, Molotov, Placebo, Rage, Stone Temple Pilots.